“Should…should I be concerned about the fact that I haven’t gotten my powers yet?” Hale turned worried eyes on him. “I overheard Wiley comment last night that they should have shown up already. Do you think they’ve changed their minds?”

Calder quickly shook his head. “No, definitely not. Clay said he thinks they’re giving us a chance to heal up and recover from the last fight. I agree with him. Trust me, we all appreciate the break right now. Once you get your powers, I think it’ll be the point of no return for us.”

“End of days,” Hale muttered darkly.

Calder forced a smile. He’d had the same thought, but he was clinging to something brighter now. “I like to think of it as the final fight before a very awesome future. You know, we could also find your soul mate.”

Hale groaned and shook his head, but there was the tiny hint of a smile on his lips. “Yeah, no I don’t want to think about that. It’s enough to worry about being the Air Weaver. I don’t think I can handle worrying about fucking up my powers and fucking up a new relationship too.” Hale stopped and gave a nervous laugh. “I mean, I’m supposedly the Air Weaver. That’s kind of everywhere.”

Calder grinned at him. “Yeah, but that’s better than being the Water Weaver.” He quirked a brow at his new brother. “It would be my luck we have our final showdown in the middle of the desert.”

Hale winced and grinned at him. “Good point.”

“Or you could be the Soul Weaver. That—”

“Watch it, Calder,” Grey’s voice shot across the yard, making him flinch. “I will turn you into a chicken so fast.” He twisted around to see Grey and Cort crossing the patio to enter the house through the French doors. Cort was shaking his head and laughing, while his mate did not look pleased.

“Just teasing!” Calder called back with a wave of his hand.

Grey made a face and opened the door. Ruby immediately shot across the yard toward them. Apparently, Baer and Wiley were up now.

“Chicken?” Hale asked quietly as Grey and Cort stepped into the house. His fingers dug into Ruby’s thick fur, scratching behind her enormous ears. The dog leaned against Hale, tongue hanging out the side of her mouth as if she were in complete heaven. She was definitely living her best life, surrounded by people who loved to dote on her.

“Grey likes to sort of hypnotize people into believing they’re chickens. It’s how he practiced his gift in the beginning. Now he merely threatens us with it when we piss him off.”

“He wouldn’t really…”

Calder looked over his shoulder again at where he last saw Grey. “I honestly don’t know. Probably not.” He turned and grinned at Hale. “But it’s still fun to drive him crazy.”

The door opened and Lucien leaned out. “Hey, guys! Pancakes and bacon are ready.”

“Thanks!” Calder replied and pushed to his feet. “Ready to grab some food? Some of the guys are great cooks.”

Hale cringed. “I’m vegan.”

Calder could feel the color drain from his face. Vegan. Shit. They ate so much meat in this house, they practically needed their own slaughterhouse. They could make some changes, switch up the meals to be more accommodating to Hale. It would take some explaining to Clay and Baer. They were both pure carnivores.

Hale’s lips twitched, and he suddenly fell on the lounge chair, holding his stomach against the great burst of laughter that erupted from him. “Oh, my God! Your face. Holy shit! Your face!”

Calder dropped his head back and groaned. Of course. Exactly what this house needed. Another practical joker. But he was still smiling. Hale was going to fit in just fine.

“Asshole. If this pool was filled, you’d be drenched right now,” Calder threatened.

Hale wiped his eyes and caught his breath. “Sorry. It was too easy. I’m a total carnivore and never pass up bacon.”

They walked to the house. Hale seemed lighter, and there was a hint of a smile on his face now. He still had a hard road ahead of him, learning his powers, and then they all had to figure out how to defeat the pestilents permanently.