“They’ve done the same for me,” Gio murmured softly. Her expression was incredibly serious, but there was an inner warmth to her. Goddesses were welcoming him. Goddesses! “This is my life?” He barely uttered the words, but several people laughed.

Wiley approached and patted him on the shoulder. “I know. It’s wild, isn’t it? Actual goddesses and everything. I was pretty dazzled myself.”

Jo pressed a kiss to the top of Wiley’s head. “You’re too sweet. I’m not sure Baer deserves you.”

Calder took Gio’s free hand and squeezed it, his expression full of amusement. “It was weird for me, too. For all of us. You get used to them. They always seem to show up when we need them.”

His stomach was in knots, his thoughts zipping around like hummingbirds on speed. He clung to Calder’s hand, feeling it grounding him in a reality that felt all too unreal. Lucien placed his hand on the nape of Gio’s neck, his touch just as comforting.

The goddesses flitted through the room, warmly greeting all the Weavers and their mates. Clay gave them a quick update on what they’d found in regard to Hale, their missing Air Weaver, as well as their plan to retrieve him.

When they were all caught up, Jo turned to Gio and his mates with a smile. “Are we ready to do this?”

“Yes,” Gio answered for them, knowing they needed to hear it from him again.

The others pushed back the coffee tables and the chairs, making as much space as possible for the goddesses to gather in the center of the hotel room. Maybe it wasn’t exactly the wedding of his dreams, but then his dream wedding also didn’t include being blessed by goddesses. When the pestilents were killed, Gio planned to throw an enormous party with all of his family and friends. Get hitched in style to his men.

“Stand facing each other and put one hand out in the middle so you’re all touching,” Flo instructed. She wrapped the scarf about their wrists while her sister goddesses came to stand beside her. “This is an old ceremony that basically marries you to each other for life. Are you sure this is what you want?”

All three of them nodded, and Gio felt tears pricking his eyes as emotion swelled in his chest. He was doing this. He was really doing this. He met Lucien’s gaze, then Calder’s, and they both looked at him with such love, that emotion swelled even more until he felt it throughout his whole body.

The goddesses began to chant in a language he didn’t know, but it was lovely—almost haunting. A ball of light gathered around their hands and the scarf, then blossomed until it surrounded them. A warm feeling flowed through him and as he stood there, it was like he could feel Lucien and Calder inside him. He could sense their emotions, and the love swirled through him. He couldn’t help the tears that escaped his eyes. Yes, it was all incredibly fast, but it didn’t matter. These two men had captured his heart, and he trusted them to take care of it.

The warmth continued to flow through him, and he saw Calder’s blue eyes widen in surprise. He must have been feeling it, too. An electric current seemed to run between their clasped hands. Tears continued to spill down his cheeks, and he didn’t care that his emotions were there for everyone to witness. This whole thing touched him on a level he’d never felt.

“It’s done,” Willie whispered as she unwound the scarf. She handed it to Gio. “A token for your memories.”

“We’re bonded?” he asked.

“You’re bonded,” she assured him. “You’re officially bound to two Weavers. We’ll have a dinner to celebrate when you’re home.”

With that, the three goddesses disappeared, and Gio stared at the spot where they’d been for several long moments. They’d just fucking vanished.

Calder pulled him in for a tight hug, squishing the flowers between them. Their sweet scent came up to tickle his nose. Married. He was married to two wonderful men who were more than mere men. They were Weavers, magical beings.

And now, he supposed he was, too. He didn’t feel particularly magical, though. No, he was feeling awe that he was now bound to others permanently.

His mother was going to be pissed she missed it.

That thought made him snort and Calder pulled back to look up at him. “You okay?”

“Oh yes,” he said with a nod. “I wanted this. Was thinking about my mother being angry she missed my wedding. My very quick wedding.”

“The goddesses don’t mess around. They come, do their thing, and leave. With the exception of the nights they cook for us. You’ll love those.”

Gio stared at all the Weavers and their mates. He was now a part of this. This enchanted world of men trying to save the world. He looked at Lucien, who was staring at him with so much love in his expression, his heart picked up beats. Then Lucien turned to Clay.