“You wouldn’t know it was happening,” Grey murmured. “But Cort and I can remove the spell quickly. We’ll be expecting that.”

Cort twisted so he could look up at his mate. “I’m still not as fast as you.”

“You’re faster than you realize and getting faster all the time.” Grey bent and pressed a sweet kiss to his mate’s lips. “You’ll be amazing.”

Lucien reached out his hand to Gio. The man took it and allowed Lucien to pull him close again. This time he settled partially on Lucien’s lap and partially on a sliver of sofa. There wasn’t technically room for all three of them, but they were also discussing an incredibly dangerous mission to save another Weaver. Lucien was determined to squeeze in all the cuddle and snuggle time he could possibly get.

“Unless anyone has any other suggestions, we’re going with Calder’s plan,” Clay announced.

Calder audibly gulped beside Lucien. “Please don’t call it my plan. It’s not a plan. It’s an insane idea.”

Lucien wrapped an arm around Calder’s shoulders. “It’s a good plan.”

“The best and only one we have,” Clay confirmed. “Here are the teams. Team One is Baer. He jumps off the boat and swims to shore, sneaking across the island toward the house. He makes entrance while Team Two and Team Three provide a distraction, emptying the house.”

“Can we name them something other than Team One and Team Two?” Wiley inquired. “That’s so boring. Team One should be The Fangs.”

Clay gave Wiley a repressive look, but the young man was undaunted. It was all Lucien could do not to laugh. Beside him, Calder was suspiciously clearing his throat. Cort had his hand slapped over his mouth while his eyes twinkled.

“Let’s worry about team names later,” Clay said. He took a deep breath and continued. “Team Two will be made up of myself, Grey, Wiley, and Dane. We will enter the island from the dock. Team Three will be Lucien, Calder, and Cort. They will be dropped off before the boat docks and try to approach from another part of the island. They—”

“Hey!” Both Grey and Gio shouted in unison. Lucien was not surprised, and he hated to admit that he was more than a little relieved to hear Gio was being left behind.

Clay pointed at Gio. “No!” he barked, earning a dark glance from Gio. He then looked at Grey. “I know you don’t like being separated from your mate, but if John is going to throw brainwashed people at us, we can’t have the two people who can remove the spells in one place.”

Cort covered Grey’s hand with his own as he stared up at his mate. “You know he’s right.”

“Yeah, but I don’t like it.”

“Wiley will inform Team Two—”

“Team Cool,” Wiley corrected.

Clay rolled his eyes and pressed on. “Wiley will inform Team Two when Baer has the Weaver. We will move in to clear a path and intercept them. Dane will be on hand to initiate any healing the Weaver might need due to his captivity while Team Three—”

“Team Steam,” Calder provided.

A shocked laugh jumped from Lucien. “Really?”

Calder shrugged. “Why not? Fire and Water, right? Team Steam.”

“Awww, that’s cooler than mine,” Wiley moaned.

Clay groaned and Dane rubbed his lover’s shoulders. It looked like he was biting his bottom lip, trying not to laugh.

“Where the fuck was I?” Clay asked.

“Team One and Two are getting the Weaver back to the boat,” Dane supplied.

“Yes, while we’re running for the boat, Team Three is providing cover for our escape and joining us on the boat.”

“What about me? You’re not leaving me behind!” Gio said. He pushed off Lucien’s hand and jumped to his feet so he could stare down at Clay. “You can’t leave me behind. I’ve already faced these things with a goddamn rolling pin. I’m in this now. I’m fighting.”


“They’re my mates!” Gio shouted, pointing behind him at Lucien and Calder.

Lucien’s heart gave the most ill-timed happy jump in his chest, but he couldn’t blame it. This was the first time Gio had admitted that they were mates. It might have only been days since they discovered the truth, but it felt like he’d been waiting his entire life—dozens of lifetimes—to hear those words.

Clay pushed to his feet, his face was a thunderhead of anger. He pointed at Wiley. “Can communicate with animals and cast protection spells.” He pointed at Cort. “Removes mind-control spells.” He pointed at Dane. “Healing to keep us all the fuck alive.” He pointed at Gio. “Human.”

Lucien flinched with his two mates at the single word. Human was not a bad thing, but in this case, it was also synonymous with vulnerable and nonmagical.

“I’m their mate,” Gio snarled between clenched teeth.

Clay leaned closer so their noses were nearly touching. “Not until you’re bonded. Not unless you’ve got your gift. I’m not letting you on that fucking boat.”