Where was Baer?

Shouldn’t he be back already?

Would Wiley know if he was in trouble?

He wasn’t sure how long they should wait before they needed to search for him. At one point, they saw a figure move in the shadowy area under the house and then make a circuit around the house like a guard checking the area. But they were too far away for Gio to make out any details. Did the pestilents even look human? Well, they couldn’t look that different if they wanted to blend.

Calder moved to the stern again to chat with Wiley and Lucien, leaving Gio alone with his brother. He mentally growled when the question inevitably came.

“What’s the story with you and those two? You in another threesome?”

Gio nearly groaned out loud. His brother was doing him a favor by taking them out in the boat. He needed to play nice, but he so hated the meddling questions. “I am,” he replied, trying to stay upbeat while worrying about Baer.

Marcello’s brow furrowed and he dragged his eyes from his line in the waves to Gio’s face. “You sure you want to try that again? The last time worked you over pretty good.”

Gio placed his hand on his brother’s biceps. “This time it’s different.”

Marcello’s skepticism doubled. “Really? This is the first I’ve heard of either of them. You can’t have been together long.”

Gio shrugged and fiddled with his rod, trying not to think about the anxious quaver in his heart when he thought about Lucien and Calder. “When you know, you know.”

Marcello shook his head. “But you thought you knew with Lee and Dave. That turned out to be a disaster.”

“Oh yeah, and you dating Karen Whatsherface wasn’t a huge disaster,” Gio teased, bringing up one of his brother’s most notorious exes.

At least he had the good grace to flush and wince. “Ugh. Karen Speagel. That was a nightmare.”

“Almost got you arrested.”

“Thank you for that needless reminder,” Marcello grumbled.

“Yeah, you and Karen were a disaster. Afterward, you were an even bigger mess, but that didn’t stop you from dating Stacey.”

“Fuck you! Stacey is a freaking angel compared to Karen. You like Stacey.”

Gio rolled his eyes at his brother’s red face and quick temper. Always so quick to defend and protect. “Idiot. I adore Stacey, and she’s perfect for you. The point is that if you’d given up dating after that Karen mess, you’d never have met Stacey.”

Marcello huffed and reeled in his line. “Yeah, I got it. I just don’t want to see you hurt like that again.”

“Lucien and Calder are not Lee and Dave, I promise. It’s different this time. I know it’s been fast, but I…care for them. Deeply.”

His brother stared hard at him, then slowly nodded. “Okay. I’ll trust your judgment. But you’re going to have to be the one to tell Ma you’re in another threesome.”

Gio chuckled. “She got used to it last time, and she will this time, too. She’ll love Calder and Lucien. They’re good guys.”

“They’d have to be since they’re interested in you.” Marcello winked. “I’m thinking I better check on your friend. He’s been down there a while.”

“No, he’s fine. Probably sleeping off a hangover.” Gio steered his brother toward the stern of the boat. “Let’s see if your shrimp has thawed. I’d like to try fishing with it.”

Gio managed to keep his brother occupied for another hour, though they all looked to the island when they heard gunshots. Wiley was visibly shaken and dropped his pole onto the boat with a clatter. He quickly picked it up.

“Wonder what that’s about?” Marcello murmured. “It’s definitely not hunting season. Probably shooting crows or squirrels—that’s still legal.”

“You think they’re shooting at birds?” Wiley’s voice cracked, his hands shaking as he clutched the fishing pole to his chest.

“Pretty sure that’s a public island, so it has to be something small.” Marcello shrugged. “As long as they don’t start shooting out here, we’re fine.”

Wiley had to be losing his mind. Gio patted him on the shoulder. “Are you hearing anything?”

The young man shook his head once. “Briefly a moment of panic.” He paused, head slightly tilted to the side like he was listening, and then he sighed deeply. “He’s okay. Calm. Must have been close.”

“Good,” Gio whispered, ignoring the sudden shaking in his fingers. “Come on, let’s keep fishing, or my brother will get suspicious.”

Wiley nodded and cast out his line, seeming somewhat more relaxed. Gio did the same and when he got a bite, excitement zipped through him. “Got one!” he yelled as he fought to reel it in. When he finally got it onto the boat, he stared at the flopping fish in amazement. Had to be at least a foot, maybe more.

“That’s a nice black sea bass.” Marcello whistled. “We can cut it up and use some of it for bait, put some on the grill. Good job!” He punched Gio’s arm as Calder called out that he had another one.