Hair in place, he climbed out of the truck and walked briskly to the front door, proud of himself for being right on time.

It opened before he could knock, and his eyes flew open wide when he saw Lucien standing there with another man. Another roommate, he hoped. In the background was a scrabble of claws and some very deep barking.

“Well, hello again,” he drawled, unable to stop his gaze from roaming the gorgeous man’s body. Lucien was in casual jeans and a red T-shirt that stretched across his wide chest.

The man he didn’t know looked between them, his brows drawn together in confusion. “You know each other?”

“Yes,” was all Lucien said.

Gio held his hand out when it seemed Lucien wasn’t going to introduce him. “Hi, I’m Gio Russo, and I’m here to see Dane.”

Grey shook his hand, his smile growing slowly wider as if he’d thought of some joke. “I’m Grey Ackles, one of Lucien’s roommates. Dane had to leave town for an emergency, but he told us you were coming to check over the furniture in the attic.”

“Yes, and I can’t wait,” Gio said.

“Excellent. Come in,” Grey said, stepping away to wave Gio forward. The man shooed back a German shepherd who’d decided to sit in the middle of the hall, tongue lolling out of the side of its mouth, as it inspected him. At least the dog seemed friendly. Grey, on the other hand, was odd. There was still something in his expression that seemed almost too gleeful while Lucien was looking more irritated.

“Shut up,” Lucien grumbled, glaring at Grey.

“What? I haven’t said anything.”

“No, but you can hear it,” Lucien argued, which didn’t make any sense to Gio.

“I’m sorry. Did I come at a bad time?” His eyes darted from Grey to Lucien again.

“No. No, it’s fine.” Grey waved his hand. “I just heard that Lucien and Calder left with an interesting man at the bar. I realized from the name that it was you.”

Gio couldn’t help but laugh. That would explain the uncomfortable looks he was shooting at Grey. “I knew my wild nights would someday catch up to me.”

“Was it wild?” Grey asked in teasing tones. “I think I need to hear about this.”

“No, you don’t,” Lucien growled, which only made Grey laugh harder.

When the man settled, he shrugged. “Well, I’ll let Lucien show you the furniture, then.” Grey started to leave the foyer when Calder came hurrying into the room.

Grey walked right into a wall with a heavy thud.

Gio blinked and rushed forward. “Are you okay?”

Grey rubbed his head, looking between Lucien, Calder, and Gio before he began to laugh. “I’m fine. Very, very fine.” He walked off, calling for the dog to follow after him. Grey’s laughter faded along with his steps.

Gio turned back to the two men who had rocked his world so recently. Calder seemed shocked to see him, with wide eyes and his mouth hanging open. He had on skinny jeans and a blue Henley that matched his eyes. “Small world, huh?”

“What are you doing here?” Calder asked. “I mean, not to sound rude or anything, but how did you know where we lived?”

“I didn’t. This is a happy coincidence. I’m here to assess the furniture in your attic. That’s what I do, furniture restoration.” Gio couldn’t keep the pleased grin off his face. “But I’m so happy to see you both. Our night together was amazing.”

Lucien, who finally seemed to shake off his stunned surprise, shut the door and faced Gio. “Best night I’ve had in a long time.”

Calder and Lucien were barely looking at each other, and Gio’s heart gave a little flip. Poor guys—still dealing with the fallout of sleeping together. And they had slept, in a big puppy pile that Gio hadn’t wanted to leave.

Of course, it hadn’t hurt that they’d also started the morning out with blowjobs. He’d sent these men off with smiles on their faces.

But seeing them so awkward was disheartening for reasons he couldn’t understand. What business was it of his? They were merely a hookup. A one-night stand. He shouldn’t care. But he did, which made him the biggest idiot in the room. He didn’t need to get drawn into something he didn’t belong in yet again.

“Shall we look at the furniture? I’m excited to see all of it,” he asked, trying to push them through the tension that was filling the silent room.

Lucien nodded. “Follow me.”

Gio took Calder’s hand because he couldn’t fucking help himself. Calder threw him a surprised glance but didn’t take his hand away. Together, they walked behind Lucien to the large staircase off the entry.

Along the way, he oohed and ahhed over the restored woodwork and new paint. The elegant curving banister gleamed, and the light fixtures glowed warmly. It was a truly beautiful home.

Once in the attic, he let go of Calder and took a long look around. The place was massive, stretching from one end of the house to the other. And every inch of it was filled with antiques. He was like a kid set free in an ice cream parlor. He wanted to taste all of it at the same time.