Luna hugged her tankard. “May I ask you something, my lady.”

Annis disliked being referred to as my lady. It simply did not suit her. She was as far from a noble as one could be, but out of respect for her husband, she held her tongue.

“You may, though I cannot promise I can answer it,” Annis said truthfully, since there were things that were private to her.

“The witch—you have met her?” Luna asked in a whisper as if it was a secret.

It was suspected in the village that she had met the witch. She shrugged neither admitting or denying it.

Luna nodded and whispered, “I wonder what she is like?”

She laughed. “I would venture to guess that she is stubborn. Commanding. Irritating—” She stopped abruptly, one word echoing in her head. “Fearless. She would be fearless.”

“You sound as if you would admire such a woman,” Luna said.

Annis was about to laugh when a sudden thought struck her. A thought that startled her. “I would admire such a woman. It takes courage to be different, to be truthful to yourself. I was fortunate that I had my sisters who encouraged and helped me to pursue my interest in building, though it was frowned upon by most. A woman, like the witch, stands alone and yet she stands strong and embraces her strengths. So, oddly enough, I do admire the witch.”

“Where does your task take you next?” Luna asked.

“I do not know. That is something Brogan and I have yet to decide.”

Luna smiled gently. “You work well together.”

“We do and my husband is a good man for tolerating me.”

“Be still my heart, is that praise I hear from my wife?” Brogan said with a chuckle as he approached.

“Praise where praise is due,” Annis said, placing her tankard on the ground and going to her husband to be wrapped in his strong arms.

Brogan kissed her brow. “I knew there was a reason I wed you.”

“To stroke your enormous ego?” Annis asked with a teasing laugh.

“Well, there is that, but also that you are always truthful with me.” He kissed her again, though this time on the lips, a soft, loving kiss. “Come with me, wife, we have things to discuss.” He looked to Luna. “Have you been appointed a chore or task?”

“I have, my lord. I help Maddie with the stitching. Her hands are not as nimble as they once were, and I still have a fine hand at it. All thanks to my sister, who taught me the skill. Bless her soul,” Luna said.

Tears tickled Annis’s eyes as she closed her fingers around her husband’s when he took her hand and they walked off. “I feel for Luna. She has lost two loves and her sister. I am glad she now has a home here where she will be embraced as family.”

“We will have a good, happy village here,” he said, reaching out to catch a tiny tear that lingered at the corner of her left eye.

“I hate that I am moved to tears so easily.”

“It is a sign of a good, loving heart,” Brogan reminded.

“It is a sign of weakness,” Annis protested.

“I disagree. It takes a strong heart to shed a tear when no one else does.” He grinned. “And I would dare anyone to suggest that you are weak.”

“You are a good husband,” Annis said seriously.

Brogan slapped his hand against his chest. “My wife praises me again. I am blessed.”

Annis jabbed him in the side with her elbow. “Be thankful or it will be years before you hear it again.”

Brogan laughed. “Now there’s the wife I know and love.”

She shook her head but smiled at his playfulness. “Enough nonsense. There are things to discuss.”

Brogan was about to tell her what he had discussed with Rudd when she suddenly yanked her hand out of his and hurried off.

“Nay! Nay! Do not do it that way, it will not hold,” Annis called out and she rushed toward the men.

Brogan smiled and followed slowly behind her. Where she got such a talent for building, he wished he knew. It was as if she had been born with it. He watched how she showed the men how certain stones needed to be shaped to fit and how they needed to be positioned so they would remain sturdy.

She held a stone while Risley chiseled a section, explaining as he worked. “You will see how this makes for a tighter fit—OH!”

Brogan pulled away from the tree he was leaning against and hurried to his wife as soon as he heard her cry out. When she held up her hand and he saw blood covering her one finger, he sped to her and caught her just as her body slumped in a faint.

“UNA!” Brogan cried out as he rushed through the village with his wife cradled in his arms.