Annis went to him and poked him in the chest. “You forget what a stubborn lass I am. Your warning will do no good.” Brogan’s arm hooked around her waist, and she found herself tight against him once again, a place she truly favored.

“I should chase you away, but God help me, I do not know how I would live without you.”

His words continued to stun her and leave her speechless and with a sense of guilt, since she had no idea how to respond to him. She did not understand all that she felt and until she did, she worried she would say the wrong thing and either he or she would regret it. It was similar to constructing a dwelling, if she placed a stone wrong, the whole dwelling could collapse, and she did not want Brogan and her to collapse before the first stone was placed.

“I am not going anywhere. Besides, you told your father you had to spend more time with me to see if I would make you a good wife. I need more time to see if you would make me a good husband.”

“Then either trust me or take pity on me, mo ghràdh, and do not search for the witch alone,” Brogan pleaded with a grin.

She chuckled softly. “I will do both. Now let’s be on our way before the village wakes and our search for the witch is once again delayed.”

Brogan gave her a hasty kiss, took her hand, and they headed to the hills.

The mist was not heavy nor was it light, but it did linger as they walked along the path that saw few travelers.

Brogan was extra alert, his body taut beside her, his hand firm around hers. She tugged at his hand to stop. “I am going to call out to her.”

He shook his head. “I do not think that is wise. Let her reach out to you.”

“We cannot delay any longer,” Annis argued, and she didn’t. “I am here, and I wish to speak with you.”

Brogan tensed even more, his muscles bunching in his arms and chest as he stepped behind Annis. If anything happened, he could at least shield her with his body, wrapping himself around her.

Annis tried again. “Please. I must talk with you.” When no response came, she got annoyed. “I am not going away. I will come here day after day and call out to you until you have the courage to face me.”

“Do not provoke her, Annis,” Brogan warned.

“Why? I do not fear her. Do you hear that, witch? I DO NOT FEAR YOU!”

Brogan clamped his hand over her mouth. “Do not be foolish and call down her wrath.”

She shoved his hand away, her patience gone. “Call down her wrath? It would do her well to worry about my wrath.”

The mist suddenly parted, rolling away, and there on a tree branch, so close they could reach out and touch it, sat a raven, his beady black eyes focused on them.

“She is here,” Annis said.

Brogan stepped closer to the raven to keep himself between the blackbird and Annis. The bird didn’t budge but his black eyes followed Brogan’s every move.

“Show yourself,” Annis demanded.

Brogan cringed. He was confident in his skills as a warrior, but fighting a witch was different. He feared his skills would be sorely lacking when battling a witch. How then did he protect Annis against magical power?

“I have no time for nonsense. I demand you show yourself,” Annis called out and Brogan cringed again.

Not yet!

“What do you mean not yet? I am here and ready to talk with you,” Annis said.

Brogan remained still, his eyes on the raven, listening to Annis but hearing no other.

“I have questions for you. My sister Bliss is in danger. Time is not on her side. We must speak now,” Annis called out. Silence met her demand, and her frustration grew. “Answer me!”

The raven squawked, causing Annis to jump and Brogan to keep her shielded from the bird, not that it was necessary. The raven took flight, flying high, circling, dipping down again near them to squawk once more, then flew off.

“She is gone,” Annis said, disappointed and began to pace in front of Brogan. “She lets me know she is here and that she will not show herself—not yet. But why not yet? Why does she wait? Why not hear what I have to say?”

“As usual, I did not hear her,” Brogan said. “I have no way of knowing how she sounded; annoyed, angry, calm.”

“Powerful,” Annis said and shivered. “She knows she has the power, that I am defenseless against her and that I have no choice but to wait.” A smile suddenly lit her face.

“What makes you suddenly happy?” Brogan asked, since fear still rippled through him. He could not see, nor could he hear the witch. How did he protect Annis against something he couldn’t see or hear?