“When this is done, we can decide,” he said and turned a sinful smile on her and kissed her gently. “That’s a reminder of what you enjoy about me.”

Annis ran her thumb faintly over his lips as if she needed, wanted, more from him, and the spark his kiss had ignited flared to life. “You make me feel things I do not quite understand.”

He understood the heated passion she felt since he felt it himself and tried to fight it, had been fighting it far too often. But his arousal was gaining strength thanks to their kiss, her innocent touch, and simply being so close to her. He would be wise to return to the village with her, but at the moment passion ruled rather than wisdom.

He slipped his arm around her waist and drew her close against him. “I want to make you feel so much more.”

His lips came down on hers again and she responded with the same overpowering need that he felt, her arms locking around his neck to hold on tight. His hand drifted off her waist to her backside, squeezing it, then urged her forward to meet his hardened manhood.

He almost shattered in pieces when she fit snug against him and he tried to stay still, tell himself it was enough to feel her there tight against his shaft, then she began to move. He tore his mouth off hers.

“You need to stop,” he warned, though he did not want her to.

“I-I do not want to,” she struggled to say. She rested her brow to his chest and moaned. “You feel so good, so thick, so strong, so hard.”

He groaned and warned himself to push her away, but he feared it was too late for that, but it was too soon for this. He reached up and unlocked her arms from around his neck and with a strength he did not think he possessed, stepped away from her.

The bewildered look on her face tore at his heart. “This is not right for your first time.”

Her chest heaved and her eyes widened as understanding dawned on her. Her hand went to rest between her legs, and she gasped. “That’s how it feels?” She shook her head. “I never expected it to drive all rational thought from me, to think of nothing but wanting you inside me.” She kept shaking her head. “It completely consumed me to the point of—” She gasped.

“Surrender,” he finished for her.

“I will not surrender to you,” Annis said, the thought frightening her.

“It is not me who you surrender to,” Brogan said, and her brow narrowed in confusion. “It is yourself.” He wanted badly to take her in his arms, comfort her, satisfy her, but not here, not like this. Her first time should be more than a hasty coupling in the woods. “We should go,” he said, and she nodded.

They returned to the village, keeping distance between them.

Annis lay in bed unable to sleep, her thoughts jumbled. She had talked with Una, rather Una did the talking, excited about the changes taking place and the chance for a different, better life. Annis was glad to see the young woman happy, she even commented that some of the warriors were fine looking men. Annis agreed with her, though she had not truly taken notice. No man could compare to Brogan, and she did not even care to look at another man.

Una fell asleep shortly after that and Annis was left with thoughts of Brogan and the incident in the woods. She had had no interest in the intimate deed between husband and wife. She had been too busy thinking on constructing things, seeing what was needed to build a sturdy and durable structure. She had no time to think about coupling with a man and why should she, she had had no man to consume her thoughts. Not so now and especially after the incident in the woods with Brogan.

She moaned softly. Never had she experienced such an overwhelming sensation that it all but consumed her. If it felt that amazing, how would the complete act of coupling feel? Of course, now she was curious, though only curious of how it would feel with Brogan. She cringed at the thought of it being with any other man but him.

She bolted up in bed. Was that love, wanting only one and no other?

She dropped back on the bed and let a long, silent moan ripple through her. This was not good. It was not the time for this. She could not let anything interfere with her quest to save Bliss. Tomorrow she would wander that path even if she had to go alone. Maybe it was better she did. Brogan was a distraction. She needed to remain focused.

Annis nodded. Tomorrow she would rise early and make it to the hills before Brogan woke and explore the path alone. She would find the witch and save Bliss.