“Five times I tried,” he said proudly.

“Good, then I shall try six times before I will even consider defeat.” She turned and after a quick glance to her surroundings, spotted where she had fled the warriors and headed that way.

Belle nudged Brogan’s shoulder. “I know, she’s a stubborn one, but there’s something about her I can’t seem to resist.”

Belle kept by his side as he followed after Annis.

Once they reached where the paths crossed and started down the one that looked barely traveled, the mist began to thicken.

Brogan grabbed Belle’s reins. “Give me your hand, Annis, I’ll not lose you in the mist.”

Annis did not argue, the thickening mist a concern. She took his outstretched hand and it closed around hers.

“Do not let go,” he ordered.

She wondered how she could, he clutched it so tightly. Though, she wouldn’t admit it, having him there beside her, his strong hand wrapped around hers, was more comforting than she would have thought. Not that she couldn’t complete the quest alone, but his presence did offer more safety than if she were on her own.

The growing mist was making it more difficult to see where they stepped and forced them to slow their pace. Brogan made sure to keep Annis tucked close to him, their arms touching. It was one thing when he was here with Rannick and Odran, each of them able to protect themselves if lost. Not so Annis. He would be beside himself if he were to lose her in the mist.

Annis listened for the silence that Nolan had warned her had appeared just before the witch showed herself, but none came. She continued to hear the melody of the forest clearly. She told herself not to get discouraged, that she had only begun her quest. She need not hurry, but she did have to hurry for Bliss’s sake.


“Aye, Brogan, what is it?” she asked.

“I didn’t say anything.”

“You called my name,” she said.

“Nay, I have not said a word.”

A chill ran through her. “I have exceptional hearing. I heard my name called.”

“Was it my voice that called out to you?” he asked.

She thought about it a moment. “I cannot say for sure. You are the only one here with me, so I assumed…” She squeezed his hand. “You did not hear anything?”

“No voice only the usual sounds of the forest,” Brogan said.

“Could you have heard it in your head?” he asked.

“I suppose,” Annis said.

“The mist can do odd things to people, besides disorienting. Shall we be still and see if it can be heard again?”

That he did not dismiss her claim, but paid heed to it, touched her heart and made her appreciate his presence even more. “Aye, we should try that,” she agreed.

Brogan stopped and positioned her protectively between him and the horse. The mist gathered around them, growing thicker at their ankles and rushing up along their legs. If anything, this could frighten Annis enough to deter her from continuing on her quest. At least, he hoped it would.

Annis listened but found it hard to concentrate with the mist appearing to devour them, it almost reaching to their knees.

“I don’t hear anything. We should move on,” Annis said and went to hurry off, the mist suddenly unnerving her.

Brogan yanked her back against him. “You stay by my side. The mist can swallow you whole fast and it will not be easy to find you.”

“Aye,” she said softly, seeing the worry in his soft blue eyes.

They traveled in silence, Brogan listening cautiously for footfalls, worried someone might be nearby, though all avoided this area too frightened to travel this way. He was relieved when the mist began to lift, and they found themselves at the spot they had started—where the paths crossed.

Annis silently berated herself for allowing herself to be frightened and by what? Mist? She could not let the mist make her fearful or she would fail to help Bliss. She had to stay strong.

“We will return tomorrow,” she said.

Brogan’s head snapped to the side to look at her, his eyes wide with surprise. “You want to try again?”

“Five more times,” she said and released his hand to walk ahead of him. “We should spend the night at the small village that belongs to your clan. I am sure Iver and Una would welcome us.” She wasn’t so sure about Una, but it was better than spending the night in the woods.

She worried what could happen with just the two of them alone together, especially since she’d been itching to kiss Brogan since she’d seen him. Not that she dared admit it to herself before now. And what was she thinking anyway? He had wounded his lip and could bleed again, and on her.

Annis stopped and swayed, growing lightheaded at the thought.

Brogan’s arm rushed around her. “What’s wrong?”

“Blood,” she moaned.