“You describe a servant,” Annis said, her own words reminding her of how Gunna had taken on the role of a servant to help her sister, Lady Aila.

“I can assure you that Gunna is no servant.”

Annis had tempered her patience long enough, though wisely let her words sound like a plea. “I need her help.”

“First, you need to be aware of the danger you face. Skelly is the leader of the mercenaries who has been hired to abduct and kill you.” Troy scowled. “He is an evil bastard. If he gets his hands on you, he will not kill you. He will have his fun with you, then sell you on the foreign market. Though, with your tongue as quick and sharp as it is, he will not hesitate to cut it out and suffer no loss since there are men who prefer such a woman. And if your husband is caught with you?” He looked to Brogan. “They will enjoy trying to kill you repeatedly since it is believed you cannot die, though it does not mean you cannot suffer.”

Annis leaned her arm against her husband’s and took hold of his hand, locking her fingers with his. The images of what might have happened if they both had been abducted by Skelly’s crew sent a bolt of fear through her that roiled her stomach. Bliss had warned her many times of her impatience and of being rash in making decisions that needed more time and careful thought. This incident made her realize the truth of her sister’s words.

“You expect me to believe that you have no desire for this coin offered for my wife’s life when you admit you go where the work takes you?” Brogan asked.

“A request from Gunna I could not refuse,” Troy explained.

“To not harm us?” Annis asked, her heart thumping hard in her chest. If it was so, then there was a good chance the woman would help her.

“Aye, that is what she asked of me,” Troy confirmed.

“She will speak with me then?”

Troy nodded. “In her own time.”

“You took Gunna in even knowing men of power were in pursuit of her?” Annis asked, eager to gain what information she could in case she should need it.

“Gunna came upon us by accident, or so she says,” Troy said with a smile. “She made no mention of the MacWilliam bairn. I figured out myself who she was and when I confronted her, she refused to speak of it. At first, I wasn’t going to let her stay with us. The men and I did not want her problem to become ours.” He turned quiet for a moment. “After some thought, we changed our minds. She has been with us ever since and not one of us regret our decision.”

Annis dug for more information. “Have you remained in this area the whole time or have you recently returned here?”

“You ask too many questions,” Troy said.

“I will ask thousands of questions if it helps save my sister.”

“Then save your questions for Gunna since she is the one with the answers,” Troy advised.

“When may I speak with her?” Annis asked more at ease now that she knew she would be able to speak with the woman.


The one word shot relief and joy through Annis. Finally, it was all coming together. She would see it done. She would keep Bliss safe and also save her husband.

“I assume then we have your word you will not harm us?” Brogan asked.

“You ask a mercenary for his word?” Troy snickered.

Brogan grinned. “I ask the man who kept a woman from harm all these years when he would have been paid handsomely to do otherwise.”

Troy’s eyes narrowed. “You protect family. I protect mine and Gunna is family.”

Annis had watched the man as he spoke and had noticed how when he mentioned Gunna his eyes narrowed, and his voice took on a defensive tone as he did now.

It might have been wiser for her to hold her tongue instead of blurting out her sudden thought. “You love Gunna.”

Troy looked to Brogan. “She really does not know when to hold her tongue, does she?”

“It explains everything,” Annis said, ignoring the two men as she verbally worked through her thoughts. “You said it yourself that you were not going to let Gunna stay at first. What could have changed your mind? Love. Love changes everything and there is no fighting it. Love conquers all.” Annis turned a smug smile on her husband. “I told you… love will conquer this evil curse.”

“Love is strong,” Troy agreed, “but I have seen evil that no love can defeat. Evil eats at the soul until there is nothing left and at that point, it is the devil who owns you and nothing can change that.” He turned a brief nod on Annis. “You need to understand that when it comes to your sister, you may well succeed in breaking this curse, but know that in Rannick’s efforts to free himself from evil only plunged him deeper into its dark depths and now his soul belongs to the devil and always will.”