Annoyance marked Annis’s words. “You can’t be more specific?”

“Patience, Annis. Until you understand the why of it all, you will not find what you seek,” the witch warned.

Annis was ready to argue when she felt her husband’s hand rest on her shoulder and she calmed, with some effort.

“There is something I wish to ask of you,” Brogan said.

“What is it?” the witch asked, annoyed as if she could not be bothered with his request.

“Annis has a problem when it comes to the sight of blood—she faints. It worries me what could happen to her in a given situation. Is there any way you can help her with that?”

“A memory has taken hold and will not let go. Face that memory and the sight of blood will bother you no more. But beware, Annis, it will unlock a secret you may not be ready for,” the witch warned. “Now go and enjoy the night in the dwelling here on my land. The wolves will keep the area safe. You have the courage to do what others failed to do, Annis. See this quest done and bring peace to all.”

Annis had not noticed the mist that had rolled in and thickened around them, but her husband must have for his arm coiled tight around her as it swallowed the witch.

Brogan was grateful the mist dissolved as rapidly as it had come upon them and naturally, the witch had gone with it.

Annis turned her head to look at her husband. “Time to make plans for my abduction.”


“Never!” Brogan said as they walked to the dwelling. “Never would I intentionally place you in such danger. Besides, you cannot be sure Gunna is with the mercenaries.”

“I tell you, it is the one place no one would expect her to hide, and no one would dare attempt to look,” Annis said confidently.

“While that does make sense, what does not make sense is having you intentionally abducted by them. It is never going to happen, wife,” he warned. “We will find another way.”

“Of course, another way can be found, but how long will it take us? How much more time do we waste?”

“I do not care. I will not chance losing you to save others,” he said with a growl, his temper mounting.

“You refuse to see reason,” she accused and snatched her hand out of his to hurry several steps ahead of him.

“And you are being unreasonable,” he said with an angry shout.

She stopped and turned to argue, “I am more reasonable than you.”

He smiled and laughed as he drew close to her. “That is the first untruth you have ever told me, wife.”

She loved his smile and laughter; both always sent a flutter of pleasure through her… but not this time. “You call me a liar?”

He stopped in front of her. “You honestly think yourself more reasonable when it comes to this matter?”

She threw her arms up in frustration that he simply refused to see reason. “We have no more time to waste. It has taken longer than I had hoped. I am relieved to know Lord Odran keeps Elysia safe. But every day that goes by I fear more and more for Bliss’s safety, especially with what your father had to say about her.”

His heart ached for her, seeing the pain and torment this quest had caused her—he had caused her. For if had not been for the curse, she would not have suffered or continue to suffer so badly and yet if it hadn’t been for the curse, he would have never met her, and his heart ached even worse at the thought.

He had to make her see reason. “Believe me, I understand that, but what if the plan goes array and you are harmed or worse killed? What happens to your sister then?” He bit his tongue trying to keep from saying it since it sounded selfish, but he couldn’t hold back. “What happens to me? How do I sleep at night without you in my arms or wake in the morning and not find you there wrapped around me? How do I live life without you?”

Tears gathered in Annis’s eyes and as they began to run down her rosy cheeks, she flung herself into her husband’s arms.

Brogan caught her, his arms shooting around her to hold her tight, keeping her there against him, never letting her go… if only it was that simple.

She raised her head, tears continuing to fall. “I know the same fear, but mine comes from leaving you caught in this curse, never free of it, left to suffer forever. My heart breaks at the thought and I cannot, will not, let that happen to you. This curse must be broken if we are to have a life—a good life—together.”

He rested his brow to hers and shut his eyes for a moment. “I am truly blessed with a wife who loves me with the courage and strength that you do, and it also frightens me to the depths of my soul the chances you are willing to take for those you love.”