Annis buried herself amongst the preponderance of trees to keep out of sight. Fearing she’d suffer much more than the dungeon from the warriors if they caught her, she searched the ground for a rock that would fit her hand with a good grip. She wasn’t foolish enough to believe that her fist could deliver a sufficient punch to a man, but a thick rock would add significant weight to it and give her a chance. At least she wasn’t petit like Elysia. She was of fair size and from working with carrying stone and wood to build, her body was hard, whereas most women’s bodies were soft, hers had strength to it.

She had seen only two men and if she could catch one unaware with a hefty punch, the other would come to his aid and give her time to put a good amount of distance between them. She only hoped it would be enough.

The forest grew quiet, and she waited. Suddenly, out of nowhere, she caught the sound of footfalls nearly upon her. She responded without thought or hesitation. She swerved around, swinging her fist that gripped the rock with full force.

Her eyes went wide as the man drew his head back to avoid the blow, but it caught the corner of his mouth and he stumbled back.


He whipped his head around and he realized too late that blood poured from the side of his mouth. Annis paled, her eyes rolled back in her head, and he barely caught her before she hit the ground.


“Keep your eyes shut,” Brogan ordered when Annis’s eyes began to flutter. “There is too much blood.” He grinned when she groaned, then winced since the grin shot a pain through the wound at his mouth.

He hadn’t been fast enough when he saw her swing coming, not that he thought she could hurt him. He should have realized that there’d be more to Annis’s swing than only a weak fist.

“Is there blood on me?” she demanded to know as she struggled out of her faint.

“Aye, so you will keep your eyes shut and stay as you are until I can clean the blood off myself and you,” he said.

“We’ll take her, Lord Brogan, and put her where she belongs,” one of the warriors said as he approached with a strong gait.

Brogan didn’t know if Annis latched onto his arm without realizing it or on purpose. Either way, she hadn’t hesitated to rely on him to help her. Not that she needed to. He would let no one harm her, not ever.

“She is where she belongs—with me,” Brogan said, his voice a threatening command since the two warriors took a step back and Annis shivered in his arms. “Go and be done with your duties. I have no use of you.” Both men hesitated. “Did you not hear my command?”

One of the men dared to speak. “She hit you, Lord Brogan. Your father will want her punished.”

“That punishment is mine to inflict, not my father’s,” Brogan warned. “Now begone with you or I will inflict punishment on you both for not obeying me.”

The two men almost stumbled over each other as they rushed to their horses.

“What are you doing here?” Annis demanded when she heard the horses gallop away. “And hurry and rid yourself and me of the blood so I may open my eyes. I can feel your silent laugh. What do you find so humorous?”

“I save you from suffering my father’s dungeon and what do you do? You reprimand me.”

“And well I should,” Annis scolded and, keeping her eyes closed tight, she struggled to sit up. “Why didn’t you warn me about your father’s warriors?”

Brogan eased her up, keeping his arm around her after recalling how lightheaded she got after a faint. “I thought you were wise enough not to go on this senseless quest.”

“You took this senseless quest,” she countered, reaching out for his arm when grogginess hit her.

Brogan’s arm went quickly around her, her slim waist fitting easily in the crook of his arm. “I was the one who proved it senseless. Now sit still and rest a moment.”

Annis wouldn’t admit it, not to him, but she was glad he was there. She felt safe with Brogan, though how she felt safe with one of the cursed lords was a complete puzzle to her.

“Were you following me?” Annis demanded and didn’t give him a chance to answer. “Is your blood on my cloak?” Her hands went to the ties at her neck, ready to shed the stained garment. “We need water to be rid of it. You didn’t answer me, were you following me? What are you doing?” she asked, feeling herself suddenly being lifted as Brogan stood and began walking.

“There is a small stream nearby where I can clean us both off.”