“You speak with Una, and I will talk with the men to see what has gone on here in our absence,” Brogan said, keeping his voice low. “I know you are as anxious as I am for you to speak with the witch, but it is best we wait until tomorrow.”

She nodded, agreeing. Besides, it was later in the day, dusk not that far off. It would leave no time to talk with her, if the witch could be found at all.

The women were quick to help Luna and she was soon sitting by a fire, a blanket wrapped around her, and food and drink offered to her. Annis noticed that she listened and offered little about herself. The only thing that was known about her was that she had no family and that her limp was caused by an injury many years ago. Annis thought there was more to the woman than she offered.

Annis wandered away from the campfire, tugging Una along with her. “It appears that much has gone on here since our departure.”

Una glowed with excitement. “It has been wonderful. More men than expected arrived from Clan MacRae and I was surprised to see several women with them. We thought the women would wait until sufficient dwellings were built, but they came anyway. While the men work on the dwellings, the women have seen to stitching garments from the cloth they brought with them. We have also worked to stock the stone shed with food for the winter. We will not starve or die from the cold this winter, and most of all, we will not be alone—thanks to you.”

Annis returned Una’s smile, more pleased for the young woman than for the compliment. “Much building has taken place.” She turned her head surveying the many partially constructed dwellings.”

“They work from dawn until dusk. They want dwellings completed for all before the cold sets in.” Una pointed to a new dwelling that looked comfortable for one person. “That is Seward’s new home, and he is thrilled. And he helps every day as best he can to get more dwellings built for others. He is very proud as we all are of our new village. We are enormously grateful to Lord Brogan, but we all are forever grateful for the day you arrived here.”

“As am I, for I have made good friends.” She grinned. “Now tell me how Risley does?”

Una’s cheeks flushed. “He works hard, and he also teaches the men how to use the tools correctly. It has helped the building go faster.”

“And?” Annis urged and Una’s cheeks flushed deeper.

Una gave a hasty look about and kept her voice low. “We have kissed, several times, and every one of them was more delightful than the last one. He wants to wed once he builds a cottage for us and have many bairns and teach his skills to them, even the lasses. He is impressed with your talent for building.”

“I believe I can learn much from him myself, and I am thrilled for you, but is it what you want—to wed Risley?”

Una smiled. “We may have just met but I find a comfort with him I have never known, and I rush out of bed in the morning eager to see him. And I love when he takes my hand in his and when he steals an unexpected kiss.” Her smile grew and she nodded. “Aye, I want to wed Risley.”

“I am happy for you and Risley. Soon the village will be filled with the laughter and squeal of happy bairns,” Annis said.

“You and Lord Brogan will help with that as well. Our bairns will grow up together.”

Annis smiled and nodded, but her heart hurt. That was what she and her sisters had planned—their bairns to grow, play, laugh together. It had her asking, “Have you heard any news of Clan Loudon.”

Una nodded and her voice turned to a whisper. “Aye, though the news is weeks old. Clan Loudon was attacked.”

Annis paled and a painful grip squeezed at her stomach.

“Lord Odran, the one they call the silent lord, was quick to end the attack and from what has been heard all is well. Though, Chieftain Emory succumbed to wounds he suffered when fighting.”

Annis closed her eyes for a moment against the news, silently praying that Saber had kept her sister safe.

“Una,” a woman summoned cheerfully.

“Is there anything else, my lady?” Una asked.

Annis wanted to remind her not to call her my lady, but instead she shook her head. “Nay, nothing more, Una.” She watched Una hurry off happily and laugh lightly when the woman said something to her, then they hurried off.

Again, she was reminded of her sisters and what they had shared, and she was also reminded that it was unlikely she would share such closeness with the women here since she was Lord Brogan’s wife. Her heart hurt at the loss not only of her sisters, but of the camaraderie of the village women.