“I will not divulge names, but I can affirm that it was someone extremely close to Lord Rannick’s wife. Is it worth any coin?”

He reached in the pouch at his waist and gave her a gold coin. “There are those who will want to hear that.”

Annis pretended to grow excited and hugged the coin in her hand. “You are so generous. Thank you. Thank you.”

Fenton waved her praise away and returned to sit opposite the fire from her lost in his thoughts.

Brogan returned, draping the blanket around his wife who appeared visibly shaken. She had heard something that upset her, but he could not take a chance and ask at this moment. It would have to wait and that annoyed him.

Fenton returned to talking about his travels and when they bedded down for the night, Brogan wrapped himself tightly around his wife.

“You will tell me what was said tomorrow,” he whispered in her ear. “Now, sleep. I will watch over you.”

She cuddled against him, feeling safe in his arms and snug against his strong, warm body, and she soon was sound asleep.

Not so Brogan. He did not trust Fenton and they were far too vulnerable camped out in the open. He ran different scenarios through his mind, determining an escape route for each one. His wife’s safety was all that mattered. He would not see her harmed and the way she slept peacefully in his arms meant she trusted him to keep her safe. He had no intentions of letting her down.

He had learned to exist on little sleep when in battle. Often, he had only a short reprieve before fighting would start again. He would sleep lightly, alert to all around him, ready to draw his sword against the enemy. Those skills would serve him well tonight.

As the night went on, his wife stirred restlessly in his arms. Her worries had invaded her sleep and he did all he could to calm her. He slept lightly and briefly on and off throughout the night. When dawn barely peaked on the horizon, he heard Fenton quietly rise and he watched through narrowed eyes, that appeared to rest in sleep, as he gathered his blanket and slipped silently away.

He reluctantly unwrapped himself from around his wife and when she attempted to blink sleep out of her eyes, he whispered, “Stay as you are. I will return shortly.”

Her eyes closed, though he doubted she would return to a deep sleep. His steps were light, though it did not matter. Fenton was too busy hitching his horse to his cart to hear him.

“Leaving us?” Brogan asked and Fenton cried out in fright.

He placed his hand to his chest as he turned to face Brogan. “You frightened the wits out of me.”

“Why do you sneak off?” Brogan demanded.

“Forgive me, my lord, but I have wares to sell and the old woman with the limp slows me down. I knew if I left, you would see her safely to where she wishes to go. I do not mean to be cruel, but I must tend to my business.”

“I want my coin back.”

Both men turned to see the old woman standing there, Annis stood beside her.

“I paid good coin for you to take me to my destination. I will have it back since you failed to deliver me where we agreed.”

“I took pity on you and barely charged you anything,” Fenton argued, keeping his eyes off Brogan.

Brogan threw the man’s words back at him. “I thought you said you took pity on her poor soul and helped her out of the goodness of your heart?”

“He has no heart,” Luna said. “He sells whatever he can get his hands on. If I were not so old, he would sell me too.”

Fenton shook his head. “She knows not what she says, and I need to be on my way.” He hurried up onto the cart’s seat.

“Give her the coin she paid you,” Brogan ordered sharply.

Fenton didn’t argue. His fingers fumbled nervously as they dipped into his purse at his waist and withdrew a coin and threw it at Luna.

Brogan grabbed the horse’s bridle. “Go pick up the coin and hand it to Luna.”

Fenton looked ready to argue, thought better of it and hurried off the cart to do as Brogan demanded.

“Do not show yourself at Clan MacRae again,” Brogan warned.

“That would be a decision left to your mother,” Fenton said with a lift of his chin.

“And pummeling you into the ground would be a decision left to me if I see you there again,” Brogan threatened with an anger to his voice that had Fenton nodding profusely. “Be off with you and do not ever let me see your face again in these parts.” As the cart rumbled away, Brogan looked to Luna. “We will take you where you need to go.”