Brogan got to his feet and stilled her hands when she went to remove her shift. “But is it what you want? Do you want to make love with me?”

She blinked several times as she stared silently at him and her pause had him holding his breath.

Annis finally found her voice. “I have seen animals rut and while I think the act itself is—strange—it has its purpose. I have consumed the leaves the witch advised me to take daily to prevent conception. It is wise of us to wait to have a bairn not knowing what fate either of us might meet. However, I am glad we build our marriage on love. It is a firm foundation and will serve us well.”

That she viewed their marriage as a structure she would construct did not surprise him though it did please him. It was important to her that the dwellings she built were strong and durable, which meant she was building their marriage with the intention it would endure through the years.

He kissed her gently, then his hands went to her shift. “Let me, wife.”

As soon as her shift hit the ground, her hands went to his garments to help him out of them. Once they were both naked, he scooped her up in his arms. Her skin was like ice against his skin that had heated with passion and was close to consuming him. He laid her down gently on the blanket they had spread out on the ground. He would heat her with fiery passion and love… until it consumed them both.

A crack of thunder was ignored as Brogan’s lips came down upon his wife’s eager ones. He did not want to hurry. He wanted their first time together to be something that would linger lovingly in their memories for years to come, a memory that would bring a smile to their faces when they were withered with age.

“I love kissing you,” he said when he moved his mouth off hers.

“And I love when you kiss me. Though, I warn you that if you do not keep me thoroughly kissed, I will chase after you for kisses,” she said with a light laugh.

“And I will let you catch me every time.”

Her smile faded slowly. “Be patient with me. I know nothing of coupling.”

He kissed her again. “It comes more naturally than you would think and knowing you as well as I do, you will no doubt ask questions along the way.”

“You do not mind if I do?” she asked, appearing relieved.

Brogan could not help but chuckle. “You are a gem, wife, and nay, I do not mind your questions, though I prefer you to keep them silent until we are done.”

“But what if—”

“Trust me, wife, you will be glad for it,” he said, not giving her a chance to finish speaking.

“I worry, though, that I may—OH!”

Brogan’s mouth had settled over her nipple, his tongue wasting no time turning the partially hard bud solid. The sweetness of her nipple pleasured his tongue and he feasted on it for some time before taking the bud between his teeth and nipping lightly.

Her groans and the way she arched her back, raising her chest up to him was proof of her own pleasure and he settled his mouth on her other breast. She arched a bit higher, and he suckled the nipple as if he could not get enough. His hand drifted slowly down from her breast to caress her slim waist and over the generous curve of her hip before he caressed farther down to her firm backside. He squeezed her cheek tight as he pushed her bottom up against him so that she could feel the thickness of his shaft.

“Ohhhh!” she moaned with a pleasure she did not know existed and kept her back arched so that his mouth did not leave her breast. And she welcomed the feel of his solid manhood, rubbing eagerly against her.

His mouth left her breast and his pleasure-soaked eyes settled on hers as his hand found its way between her legs and he slipped his fingers inside her. “Mine,” he whispered.

She responded without thought. She hurried her hand between them to grab his shaft tight. “Mine,” she said and not in a whisper.

He almost gasped, she held him so tight and just as he expected, movement came to her naturally and she began to slide her hand up and down his shaft. Damn, but it felt good, and he dropped his brow to rest against hers and closed his eyes.

“Damn, that feels good,” he whispered, and his fingers once again began to move inside her.

Annis groaned not only at the intense delight his talented fingers sent shooting through her body, but from the feel of his shaft growing and pulsating in her hand. It had her eager to find how the size and strength of his manhood would feel inside her.