“It would be a pleasure to have you, Cala, and Phineas, join us in the village. Various dwellings are being built, the village is taking shape and preparing for winter. I will send my men to collect you when a dwelling is available for you.”

“That is most kind of you, my lord, and we accept your generous offer with much gratitude,” Phineas said, worry wrinkling his brow. “But I fear your father, Lord Balloch, would not want us deserting the croft.”

“You have nothing to worry about from my father, Phineas. I will see to that. And while your gratitude is appreciated, do not forget that it is my responsibility to protect and provide for all in Clan MacRae. Now before the skies open up and drench us, it is best my wife and I seek shelter.” He turned a quick glance on a small dwelling that had seen better days.

“Your wife?” Cala said with a clap of her hands and a joyful smile. “Good gracious, my lord, that is wonderful news. Congratulations.”

“It is,” Brogan said with a wide grin. “Lady Annis let me know that even though I have many flaws she wed me anyway.”

Annis jabbed him in the side with her elbow and realized her mistake when the couple’s eyes turned so wide, she thought they would pop from their heads.

“He needs a good poke every now and then,” Annis said, and her face turned scarlet when the older couples’ mouths dropped open, and Brogan laughed.

Brogan’s arm shot around her, and he hugged her to his side. “It is priceless to have a wife who keeps a smile on a husband’s face.” He realized how his remark sounded as soon as the words left his mouth and Cala’s cheeks blossomed with a deep blush. Words rushed out again hoping he would not put his foot in his mouth again. “I am blessed that Annis agreed to wed me.”

Cala’s eyes softened as she smiled, and her hand went to rest against her chest. “May you both be blessed with much love. It is the one thing that helps you celebrate the good and survive the bad in this life.”

Phineas wrapped his arm around his wife. “Cala is right. Love is one thing that endures in the most difficult times. May you both know enduring love and much happiness.”

Their generous blessing touched Annis’s heart. They obviously loved each other deeply to speak so generously of love. But Brogan and her marriage had not been forged in love. Could they find love regardless? Was she falling or had fallen in love with Brogan? Could he possibly feel the same? And why was love so confusing?

“Our cottage is yours for the night, my lord and lady,” Phineas offered.

“Nay, Phineas. While it is generous and gracious of you to offer us your home, Annis and I will seek shelter in the dwelling like I have done before.” Brogan raised his hand when the old man went to argue. “It is the way it will be, and I will hear no more on it.”

Phineas nodded. “As you say, my lord, but please let us provide you with some food and drink.”

“That I graciously accept and one other thing, Phineas. Have either of you seen a woman with a limp pass this way? We have a message to give her.”

Annis was impressed with how graciously he treated the older couple and that he gave them a reason for why they were searching for a woman with a limp. It put them at ease to answer.

Cala looked to her husband. “That woman who stopped here requesting a drink for her parched throat, she had a limp. When was that two or three days ago?”

Phineas rubbed his chin. “I do not believe it was more than two days.”

“She was a pleasant, quiet woman, not saying much, but with her pronounced limp it surely could not be easy walking any distance.”

“Did she mention her destination?” Brogan asked.

“She said the strangest thing when I asked her where she was going.” Cala shook her head. “She said she was following the ravens.”

Annis sat on the blanket she spread on the ground in the far corner of the shed. She had gone over the place with a keen eye and decided the corner was the best spot where they would not get wet when the rain started, and so far, they hadn’t.

Brogan sat beside her munching on the fresh bread Cala had insisted he take along with a small jug of cider. “Do you think the ravens guide the woman to her destination?”

“Guide her, keep her safe, it is curious as to what they are capable of doing,” she said. “Though, right now, my concern is the information the woman can give us, and I believe that information will lead us to the MacWilliam lass.”