“You were not hurt?” he asked as their horses ambled along.

“Nay, I was not harmed,” she confirmed.

“Good because right now I want to throttle you for not obeying me and putting yourself in danger,” he scolded.

Annis’s eyes narrowed. “You would raise a hand to me?”

He laughed. “I fear I would lose it if I did.”

“Then you but tease me?” she asked, for she would not tolerate a husband whose hand struck at will.

“What you did frightened me beyond words. My only thought was to keep you safe and away from the sight of blood. When you came charging back on your horse, I feared I would lose you and,” —he grinned— “even though you do have a few faults, I would miss them as much as I would miss you.”

His words warmed her heart. “Then you obviously understand why I returned to help you. I could never stand by when you are under attack by so many men and do nothing. I would face blood itself to see you kept safe.”

That blood would not stop her from helping him said more to him than she realized and at that moment he loved his wife even more if that was possible. But he would wait to tell her that. Instead, he teased, or was it that he wanted his words to hold the truth? “Your words tell me you love me, wife, but I knew it all along. I am just too irresistible not to love.”

She released a groaning sigh and shook her head. “You are impossible.”

“Impossibly charming,” he corrected with a stunning smile.

She shook her head again. Or was it that his words were more truthful than teasing that annoyed her?

“Admit it, my smile dazzles you,” Brogan reached out to elbow her in the arm.

She tossed an unexpected threat at him. “If we are to stay wed, it will be only me you dazzle with that smile.” And truth be told his smile did dazzle.

That she considered remaining wed to him thrilled him, but he had to tease. “Laying claim to me, are you?”

“You are my husband, and I would expect you to behave like one,” she warned.

He could not resist. “And you are my wife and I expect you to see to your duties—all of them.” He immediately regretted his words, seeing how her shoulders sagged with the weight of them. He was quick to assuage her. “I but tease.”

“Truthfully?” she asked.

He would not lie to her. “I will not deny I ache to make love to you, but I do not want our lovemaking to be a duty for you. I want it to be something we both enjoy. We both look forward to. We both find pleasure in.”

“But if we consummate our vows then our marriage is sealed. I cannot, nor will I, leave you. I respect vows too much to do that,” she said.

He loved that his wife was honest and blunt with him. “Then we make love when you are willing to seal our vows permanently.” He was surprised by what she said next.

“You woke something within me that day we shared a touch of intimacy. She looked away; the memories of his hard shaft pressed tight against her stirring her passion. “I did not know intimacy could feel so wonderful, though I believe it would only feel that way with you.” She cringed at the brief thought of another man’s hands on her. “I do not even want to think of sharing such an intimate act with another man.”

“Either do I,” he said, his anger simmering at the thought.

“I also do not like the thought of you doing that with another woman,” she admitted to her own surprise.

“You are all I want and all I need, Annis,” he said.

“How can you be so sure?”

“I honestly do not know,” he said, giving his head a scratch. “It actually puzzles me and yet it is something I cannot deny, nor do I want to. I am not at all familiar with love. I am more familiar with arranged marriages than those who wed for love. My parents made it clear from when I was young that my marriage had to benefit the clan.”

“Your parents must be disappointed then, that you are wed to a woman of little significance.”

Brogan laughed. “You are by no means a woman of little significance.”

“I certainly am no woman of worth to your clan.”

“It is your worth to me that matters and to me you are priceless.”

Tears pooled rapidly in her eyes, and she felt foolish that his endearing words could touch her heart so easily. “You tease again.”

Brogan smiled and leaned over to catch the few tears that trickled out of her eyes. “I speak the truth and your heart knows it, that is why you tear so easily at my truthful words.” He smiled. “And why your forthright nature questions it.”