“Did you expect me to be ugly, decrepit, and feeble as most fools believe witches to be?” she asked, continuing to be condescending.

Annis’s chin went up along with her ire. “It is your need to appear important that surprises me.”

The witch’s brow rose. “You do not disappoint, Annis. You are as feisty as I thought you would be.”

“I am determined and will not be deterred from saving my sister Bliss, but first tell me that Brogan has not and will not be harmed.”

“I am not interested in him. It is you, and only you, I will speak to,” the witch said with a sternness that left no doubt she would have her way.

“He is safe?” Annis asked, wanting her to confirm it.

“He is as safe as one can be who is cursed.”

“That does not appease me,” Annis admonished. “Is he safe, or isn’t he?”

Her pompous tone deepened. “Foolish or courageous. I definitely have not decided yet. Brogan is safe… for now.”

Annis felt her heart melt with relief, and she wasted not a minute in asking, “Tell me how to break this curse set upon the three lords.”

The witch waved her hand dismissively. “Not yet. It is not time.”

“Bliss has no time. I must save her,” Annis begged.

Again, the witch dismissed her concern with a dismissive wave. “Bliss is safe for now.”

Annis’s legs grew weak, her body withering with relief.

“You must be aware that I will not part freely with what you seek.”

“I have coins,” Annis said, annoyed she had not brought them with her to show the witch.

“Coins serve no purpose to me.”

Annis recalled Cumina warning her to be careful when bargaining with the witch. Though fearful, she kept her demeanor as strong as possible. “What do you want in return for the information I seek.”

“I have yet to decide.”

“When will you decide?” Annis asked, annoyed and not hiding it.

“When it is time,” the witch snapped.

“The bairn, the daughter of Lady Aila and Lord Brochan, she survived, didn’t she?”

“You are far wiser than those around you, which is why you have little patience with most of them.”

“Your answer is clear—the bairn survived and is now a grown woman. She is the one who can break the curse,” Annis said, her relief growing stronger.

The witch raised her staff, and the mist began to swirl around her. “There is far more danger to this curse than you know. Think wisely on what you seek, for the cost may be deadly.”

The mist swallowed the witch. “We will speak again.”

“When?” Annis called out.

“When I summon you.”

Annis could not see anything, the mist far too thick. She jumped at the sharp squawk of the raven that sounded near her ear and thought she felt its wing brush her cheek.

Brogan ducked as the raven flew at him and kept a keen ear, expecting another attack when the mist rapidly dissipated. He quickly glanced about, searching for Annis. Not seeing, her he turned and there she stood in front of him.

He grabbed her and squeezed her tight, her arms going around his waist and hugging him just as tight. He said not a word and neither did she. They simply stood hugging each other, squeezing tight, holding on, afraid to let go. Afraid to lose each other.

“I will never ever let go of your hand again when we are here,” he said.

She reluctantly moved her head off his chest, his familiar scent of woodfire and earth comforting. “You must. The witch will speak with me and only me.”

“You talked with her? She is real?” he asked, not quite believing it.

“She is real. I met her. She stood not far from me,” Annis said as if she could not quite believe it herself.

Brogan cast a cautious glance around. “You can tell me all of it as soon as we leave here.”

Annis agreed with a nod.

Brogan released her quickly, though grabbed her hand. “Your back. I needed to hold you, feel you against me. I forgot about your wounds.”

Annis shook her head. “Strange, my back doesn’t hurt at all.”

Brogan glanced around once more. “We leave now.”

They kept a good pace and Brogan kept his hand locked firmly around hers. He was not letting her go. Not now. Not ever.

When they left the path and headed toward the village, Brogan said, “Tell me everything.”

“She is not what I expected, and she is bold with her tongue,” Annis said.

Brogan grew alarmed. “Tell me you held your tongue.”

Annis shivered. “At first I did. Her presence intimidates, but my need for answers sharpened my tongue.”

Brogan stopped and took hold of her shoulders. “How many times have I warned you—she is a witch. You are not. You do not possess her powers. Her harm can be great. I have lived it these many years.”

Annis drifted into the crook of his arm. “And we will see your suffering brought to an end.”