“You believe the curse was not meant for the clans, only the three men who partook in the slaughter?”

“Aye, with a strong leader left to rule, the clans can live on after us.”

“But they would not. No one would want to keep a cursed name, and your father and the other two lords must be well aware of that,” Annis said.

“The three lords all want the clans to continue no matter how many who follow us suffer, not so Odran, Rannick, and me. We want the suffering to end with us. Though, now with a possible chance of breaking the curse, I have hope all that can change for me, and everyone concerned.”

“We will see it done,” Annis said, determined. A sudden thought troubled her. “If your father and the other two lords were to find out that the MacWilliam daughter lived, they would not try to harm her, would they?”

“With King Alexander’s recent death and his young son Alexander III ascending the throne and no other MacWilliam alive, I do not see a threat to the lass. Though, those who supported King Duncan’s right to the throne might find her useful since she would be his bloodline, and possible heir to the throne if no other could be found.”

“Then if her identity was known, she would be in danger,” Annis said.

“If a curse once nearly took her life, then an oath can save it this time. If she has survived all these years, then Odran, Rannick, and I can pledge to keep her lineage a secret.”

Annis rolled her shoulders back in an attempt to ease the ache. “If the lass does live, why do you think your father and Lord Lochlann lied about seeing her killed?”

“They probably thought they had tracked down the right bairn.”

“I wonder if the witch misdirected them,” Annis said. “I cannot wait to meet such a powerful woman.”

“Witch,” he corrected, “and keep that in mind. She is a powerful witch. You must be careful. I will not see you suffer a curse.”

Annis turned a perplexed look on Brogan. “Why would she curse me?”

Brogan laughed. “Because you pestered her to death?”

“Funny,” Annis said and wrinkled her nose at him.

He laughed again. “Try as you might, you are beautiful no matter your expression.”

“I have been told since I was young how beautiful I am and by men and women alike. It means little to me since those people saw only my face and nothing else about me. So, while I do appreciate the flattery, it means little to me.”

He grinned. “I can have you bursting with glee from flattery in no time.”

Annis let loose with a short burst of laughter before saying, “You truly do think highly of yourself.”

Brogan leaned forward, his hand reaching across the cloth that held the food spread on the ground between them and gave the tip of her nose a tap. “Nay, it’s that I know you better than anyone.”

“You think so,” she challenged.

“Nay, mo ghràdh, I know so.”

The wink did it. She took on his challenge. “Then by all means have me burst with glee from your flattery.”

“True flattery,” he corrected.

“Of course, what other is there?” she teased playfully.

“This obviously is a challenge and when I win, I expect something in return.”

“Which is?” Annis asked suspiciously, seeing a gleam in his soft blue eyes and wondering if he would ask something she could not give or did not want to give.

“You must flatter me in return, and truthfully.”

What could she possibly flatter him with that was truthful? What did it matter? He would not win. “Since you will not be victorious, I can easily accept the challenge. Now flatter me.”

His eyes roamed over her as if he was searching her body for the words and she tasted victory.

Brogan leaned forward. “Your mind is more brilliant than a man’s when it comes to building.” Her eyes went wide, and her face cracked in a smile. “Never have I heard of such unique construction and thorough detail to the structures you talk of building. The village you construct for us will be a shining example of architecture that all will come to see and praise.”

Annis’s face burst wide with a smile, and she squealed with excitement. “Truthfully?”

“Aye, truthfully. Your talent amazes me, mo ghràdh, and I am proud to work with you.”

She squealed with delight and threw herself at him, hugging his neck and kissing his cheeks and lips repeatedly.

Brogan wanted to wrap his arms around her, but he was cautious of her back. His hands went to her waist instead to keep her steady and to keep him from tumbling back from her forceful enthusiasm while he enjoyed her endless kisses. That was until…

Annis leaned away from him, though his hands at her waist kept her close. “You won.”

He grinned. “Aye, I did and with the truth. Now it is your turn.”