It was time once again to seek the witch.

“Color has returned to your face, and you do not slouch in pain, though I imagine the pain is not completely gone,” Una said, approaching her to hand her a tankard of a steaming brew.

“Aye, I still suffer some pain and my back continues to be sore to the touch, but not enough to keep me abed for another day.” Annis took a sip of the brew and smiled. It was potent, thanks to the food staples Brogan had brought to the village.

“Be wise with what you do today, since you still have not fully healed,” Una advised.

“I will make certain to heed your advice as I explore the path today,” Annis said and walked with Una toward the campfires.

“It warms my heart to see the village come to life again,” Una said, a huge smile spreading across her face.

“The building does go well,” Annis said, seeing that much needed repairs were continuing on the existing dwellings and felled trees were being made ready for more dwellings.

“The extra hands go a long way and have kept busy since arriving,” Una said. “Risley’s skillful hands have been most helpful as have the tools he brought with him.”

“Where is Lord Brogan?” Annis asked, not seeing him anywhere.

Una turned and pointed. “Just beyond my dwelling.”

“I will go speak with him,” Annis said and handed the near empty tankard to Una.

“What of food? You have not eaten, and you need to keep up your strength if you wish to fully heal,” Una cautioned. “I will prepare you a small sack of food to take on your wander today, for you will no doubt turn hungry.”

“I am grateful for your concern and the food,” Annis said with a smile.

She found Brogan directing two men in clearing out a fairly large section of land. He smiled and waved when he saw her approach. A catch to her heart halted her steps briefly, the sight of him stealing her breath. His features were far too fine and his body far too appealing. He wore no cloak, and his sleeves were rolled up, and he stood with a confident demeanor. Then there was his smile. It captured and captivated in one glance.

He has captured my heart. The thought almost had her stumbling. She had never thought to lose her heart to anyone, let alone Brogan, one of the cursed lords. It troubled and excited her at the same time, and she silently admonished herself for her thoughts.

“You are feeling well?” he asked when she reached him.

“Much better today. The pain lingers some and I am still sore to the touch, but I feel much stronger today.”

“I am glad, and I am sorry I caused you such pain.”

She tilted her head slightly, her brow scrunching. “You did not cause my pain, your mother did.”

“The curse did,” he corrected. “It follows me everywhere and touches the innocent.”

“What happened to me had nothing to do with the curse. It was the fault of a bad-tempered woman who cares for no one but herself. And I will not have you take the blame for it,” she said with a stern command.

He grinned. “That sounds like an order.”

“If need be, then so be it.” She nodded firmly as if decreeing it. “I am curious. What do you intend to build here? It is a large piece of land for one dwelling, and it sits removed from the other dwellings.”

“My home,” Brogan said proudly. “And I was hoping you would help design it.”

Annis’s mouth dropped open and she stood speechless for a moment. “You intend to make a permanent home here for yourself? What of your clan?”

“Aye, I do, and I do not desert my clan, since these people are part of my clan. I simply choose to live here rather than at the keep.”

“Your father will not be pleased.”

“It is not for my father to decide. Someday I will take his place and when that time comes, I will do what is necessary. Until that day, my home will be here. Who knows, I may even decide to build a keep here.”

“It is a soothing place,” Annis said, staring at the hills. “The hills are a lovely view whether covered in mist or revealed in all their beauty. You would do well to build the cottage facing the hills.”

“I thought the same. What else would you suggest?”

Annis turned a smile on him. “I have many ideas and I will tell you as we wander the path.”

“Are you sure you feel well enough for the walk?” Brogan asked, his eyes narrowed in concern.

“We can keep a slow pace and rest when necessary and enjoy the food Una is preparing for us,” she said and cast a quick eye to the sky. “There is no sign of rain. If lucky, the sun may even peek through today.”