Annis rested her hand to her cheek as she stared after him. She didn’t mind the kiss, but to kiss her in front of the small group for all to see when she was not his wife was not something he should have done. It had to be obvious to him that she would be intimate with no man unless wedding vows were exchanged. Yet he kissed her as if she already belonged to him? Why? Was he letting her and everyone there know his intentions? Had their talk of marriage and love swayed him toward a decision?

She shook her head. He did not love her—did he? She shook her head again. That was a foolish thought. Though—she was growing accustomed to him and found she enjoyed his company. And she did like when they kissed. Heat rushed to redden her cheeks. Kissing was one thing, coupling another. She might enjoy his company and his kisses, but him touching her in places she barely touched herself was not something she could fathom.

“You can see that Lord Brogan loves you.”

Annis turned around so fast to face Una that she almost stumbled. “He does not love me.”

Una laughed. “I know little about love, but one would have to be a fool not to see it in his eyes when he looks at you.”

“Una’s right,” Maddie said, joining them. “Lord Brogan loves you powerfully and he does not hide it. The man has lost his heart to you. But he is a cursed lord and unless you succeed in breaking the curse, I would run from him if I were you. Or the curse will touch you as well.”

Yesterday had passed far too quickly and Annis never got a chance to talk with Brogan about the witch or anything. She had yawned so much after supper that he had gently ordered her to bed, promising they would talk in the morning before they headed to the hills for another wander on the path. She had woken early with thoughts on whether or not she should ask him if he loved her. It seemed logical to find out, yet her reasoning also brought her to the conclusion that he would ask her if she loved him. And she did not have an answer for him—at least not yet. Her decision then had been made easily. She would say nothing and watch to find out if she could see what the others saw—that he loved her.

He was waiting for her when she stepped out of the dwelling.

“The air is chilled this morning,” he said and reached for her hand.

She gave it to him as she always did, though this time she wondered if it was because she had grown accustomed to the gesture or because she wanted to feel her hand in his. It did not take her long to decide. It was because she liked the way his hand greeted hers, eagerly, wrapping around it snug as though he had missed her and was happy to be joined with her.

“I have started another fire, so as not to disturb Iver,” Brogan said, and they walked over to it. “I am glad you woke so we have time to talk before the others wake.”

Annis spotted an eagerness in his blue eyes that she had not noticed before and it took her only a moment to see something else shining there quite strongly—hope.

“My thoughts have been on the witch all night,” Brogan admitted.

She surprised herself when she asked, “Not me?” She gave a quick chuckle, so it appeared she meant it as humorous. Hadn’t she?

“Was I on your thoughts last night?” he asked with a grin and was taken aback by her response.

“You haunted my thoughts and dreams all night.” She had seen no reason to lie to him or avoid his question as he did hers. And from the expression on his face—sheer shock—she was glad she had. Seeing that, she decided to leave it there and let the thought stir in him. “Tell me about your thoughts on the witch.”

Brogan ran his hand through his hair, her response shocking and delighting him. He wanted to pursue what she had said, find out what thoughts and dreams of him had haunted her, since her remark had not been punctuated with laughter as her previous one. She had been serious, but she had also moved on away from it and he would let it be—for now.

“I wonder if the witch had marked her time and intended to return here now, at this specific time,” Brogan said, having given it much thought.

“If what you suggest is true, then she returns at this particular time for a reason,” Annis said.

Brogan nodded. “A reason that concerns the curse.”

“Why though after all this time? What has changed?” Annis asked, annoyed no answer was forthcoming. She turned a determined glare on Brogan. “I need to summon her. I need to call out to her when we wander the path today. She needs to know I wish to speak with her.”