“I always wanted to build a cottage where my sisters and I could live comfortably,” she said. “I feel this is a good place for it. I see the promise of a good life here with some work and dedication. And the people here deserve a better place to live. It is also tucked away, private and peaceful.”

“I thought the same myself,” Brogan said, casting an eye around the place.

“You did?’ she asked, her brow rising in surprise.

“People avoid this place because of the witch and so it remains secluded. No one would bother me here. I could live peacefully for a change.”

His remark perplexed her. “But your clan’s keep is your home.”

Brogan shook his head. “It never felt like home to me. The Great Hall is constantly filled with noise and chatter, people coming and going. This peacefulness feels like home to me. A place where no one questions me, but simply lets me be, a place—like you—I could call home.”

“Then why chase after so many women? Or travel as you do?”

“Home is not home to me and as for the women…” He smiled and winked. “They chase after me, leannan.”

“There you go, thinking highly of yourself again,” she teased.

“The truth cannot be denied,” he said and held back a laugh.

Annis thought about that for a moment. “It is sad to say, but the truth has us both trapped. Even when I free Bliss, she still will be wed to the cursed lord and unable to leave him. Elysia hopefully took mine and Bliss’s advice and wed Saber, providing her with a home. And you will return home, heir to the Clan MacRae. When all is done, I will be the one left with no home to return to.”

“I will not let that happen. You have my word,” Brogan snapped fiercely.

“Be careful what you promise, I may hold you to it,” she warned with a gentle smile. Silence lingered between them for a few moments before Annis spoke again. “Will you take me to see Bliss when the time comes?”

“I will,” Brogan said, not thinking twice on it and understanding what she asked. Annis might plan on being victorious in her quest, but if by chance she failed, she wanted to make certain she got to see her sister before… he shook the dreadful thought from his head. He feared for his friend. Rannick would never survive losing a fourth wife.

Annis woke from a sound sleep, almost as if someone had shaken her awake. The evening had gone well. Talk and laughter was shared along with the meal and when she and Una retired for the night, they had spent some time talking. She had enjoyed it as much as Una had. It reminded her of the nights she and her sisters would lie awake talking about everything and anything.

She missed her two sisters terribly. She prayed Elysia had listened to her urging and wed Saber. If not… worry knotted her stomach. She needed to find out about Elysia. If she was not safe, she would bring her here where she could keep watch over her and make sure no harm came to her.

As for Bliss, she worried every day that she would be too late to save her, that the curse would strike her dead. She couldn’t bear the thought of losing Bliss and the constant thought of the possibility didn’t allow her to sleep. She slipped quietly out of bed, so as not to disturb Una, and into her boots, then grabbed her cloak before heading out the door.

It was dark with clouds holding what partial moon there was hostage. The air bordered on cold, warning of a possible early winter. They would need to work fast to make sure all was made ready for the cold months ahead.

A single fire burned, the flames waning, which meant she had slept for a while. Brogan and Iver slept on either side of the fire, and guilt poked at her for continuing to occupy Iver’s bed. It did his aging bones no good to sleep on the cold, hard ground. Brogan was wrapped in a blanket and curled tight by the fire, neither the hard ground nor the cold disturbing him.

Annis turned toward the hills and could barely see them, the darkness affording them privacy and concealing the secret of the witch. She shut her eyes praying she would find the witch and learn from her what she so desperately needed to save Bliss.


The soft whisper startled her, but the strong arms that circled her along with the cloak that wrapped around her comforted.

“You cannot sleep?” Brogan asked, drawing her back to close his cloak snug around them both and was glad she sunk willingly against him.

“I slept for a bit, then woke. My mind was far too busy to return to sleep,” she said, amazed by how much she enjoyed being cocooned by his arms and cloak.