“Are you all right, wife?” Brogan asked.

She answered honestly. “I do not know. I am still too shocked from the news to comprehend it all. And it troubles me that I have no choice but to keep it from my sisters when they have a right to know.”

“Your silence protects them,” he reminded.

“For now, but you know that if at any time it proves differently, then I will go myself to tell them the truth.”

“I understand, for I feel the same about Odran and Rannick. I do not like keeping such important news from them, but I do see the wisdom of it at least for now,” he said, caressing her arm gently.

“My heart broke when my mum died. If it had not been for Bliss, I do not know what would have happened to Elysia and me. We are family. We are sisters no matter what I am told and we will always be sisters. As for the mum who gave me life, I do not know what to think. I do not know her, though I know one thing about whoever she may turn out to be. She sacrificed everything to keep me safe which means she loves me deeply.” She got teary-eyed again. “I wonder if she cries as easily as I do.”

“Perhaps your building skills come from your father,” Brogan suggested.

Tears began to fall. “An hour ago I knew who I was, now I no longer know who I am.”

Brogan lifted her chin for her to look at him. “I know who you are, wife. You are a kind and caring soul, wise beyond your years, a skilled builder, a loving sister, tolerant of a husband who thinks highly of himself, and who speaks her mind—even if it is foolish to do since your husband suffers for it, OW!” Brogan laughed and suffered the jab that he barely felt, happy to hear his wife laugh along with him.

“You are incorrigible, but I love you anyway,” Annis said.

Brogan kissed her lips lightly. “And I you, wife, now and always. “Know that whatever may come of all this, you remain my wife and we will have a good life together and have a gaggle of bairns. Hopefully many sons for I will need help in protecting the daughters who inherit your—OW!” He laughed at another painless jab. “You did not let me finish. Your beauty… I was going to say your beauty.”

“You lie to me, husband?” Annis said. “I see your nose twitch.”

Brogan laughed along with his wife. “I love you more every day, Annis.”

“I cherish your love and will need it, for a fear what the days, weeks, months ahead may bring.”

“We will end this, Annis,” Brogan said, hugging her close against him., “and our children will have a tale to tell of how love conquered evil.”