“Find the lass and all will come to pass,” Brogan repeated what the witch had told his wife. “You found the lass for the person who was meant to find her—Gunna. Now all will come to pass.”

“He is right,” Troy said. “You did find the lass and Gunna herself told me that all has been set in motion for the curse to finally end and for everyone to be free.”

“Love is what breaks the curse.” Annis wiped at her tears. “Gunna said all has been set in motion. Perhaps Bliss is the MacWilliam lass and once Rannick falls in love with her, the curse will be no more. The right will have been made wrong, for the son of the man who betrayed his friend has fallen in love with the lass his father would have seen dead, and he now will protect her.”

“You cannot warn your friend,” Troy said with a glare at Brogan. “I see in your eyes you want to.”

“It might make a difference,” Brogan said, Troy right in what he thought. “If Rannick knew he had a chance to break the curse—”

“Nay,” Annis said anxiously. “It will not work that way. Rannick cannot know. Love must come freely. Besides, we do not know if Bliss is actually the MacWilliam bairn. All has been set in motion as Gunna said. We must not interfere with it. I know you feel as if you betray your friend, but I feel I do the same to my sisters.”

His wife was right. They both shared the burden. Brogan did, however, suggest, “We should speak to the witch. She may be able to tell us more.”

“Aye,” his wife eagerly agreed.

“The witch is gone,” Troy said.

“How would you know that?” Brogan asked.

“She goes to help Gunna.”

“And we are to take your word on this?” Brogan said, annoyed.

Troy shrugged. “Find out for yourself, but she can do no more here. She is needed elsewhere. Besides, have you heard any ravens squawk of late or wolves howl since you rescued your wife?”

“The witch must believe us safe if she leaves no ravens or wolves to protect us,” Annis said.

“Or she knows you are safe with your husband and me and my men here to protect you,” Troy suggested.

Brogan smiled and shook his head. “That is why you stay here… to protect us.”

“Gunna requested it and I saw no reason to deny her. Besides, my men and I are tired of the constant travel. It will be nice to settle for a while or maybe permanently.” Troy nodded at Brogan. “Since, as we discussed, you need a righthand man you can trust and rely on.”

Leave it to his wife to see good reason as to why the man should stay.

“Gunna will return here with Troy staying,” Annis said.

“You are sure?” Brogan asked.

“Gunna told me she was lucky to find a second love in her life though he was far different than her first. She loves Troy and will return for him, and he loves her and will wait for her as she keeps her promise to her sister and sees her niece finally safe and protected.”

“Your wife is a knowledgeable woman,” Troy said.

“Far more than me,” Brogan said with a laugh.

Troy grinned. “I will agree with that.”

Annis smiled, remnants of tears glistening on her cheeks. “You two will get along well.”

“It is agreed then,” Troy said. “I will remain here with you and wait, and what we discussed here tonight will remain among the three of us.”

“Aye,” Brogan said.

“Aye,” Annis agreed, “though word must be sent to my sisters that I continue the search so that nothing seems different.”

“I will see it done,” Brogan said.

“One of my men can take the message to Elysia,” Troy offered.

“And why would I send one of your men?” Brogan asked.

“Because Elysia received word that you and Annis were captured by mercenaries and at least a mercenary can assure her that no harm came to neither of you.”

“How do you know this?” Brogan asked and shook his head. “Never mind. At least I know you will be a good source of knowledge.”

“Truthful knowledge,” Troy confirmed.

A chilly wind sent the campfire flames dancing and Annis shivered.

“It grows late and cold. I will see you in the morning and give the message to your man to take to Lord Odran. One of my warriors will take the message to Lord Rannick,” Brogan said.

“As you say, my lord,” Troy said with a grin and a slight bob of his head.

Annis leaned heavily on her husband, exhaustion weighing her down, as they walked back to the cottage. “I believe you can trust Troy,” she said in a whisper.

“Time will tell, though I hold the same opinion,” Brogan said.

They settled back in bed, Annis pressed contentedly against her husband’s side and his arm holding her snug.