“She has been here for a while,” Annis said. “I know what the nightmare was trying to tell me. I do not know who the lass in my dream was, but the woman screaming was Gunna. All the blood I saw was from her mangled leg that left her with a limp.”

Brogan glared at Troy. “Luna is Gunna?”

“Aye, she is,” Troy confirmed.

“Why did Gunna come here?” Brogan asked.

“For help,” Troy said to Brogan’s and Annis’s surprise and continued to explain. “I returned with Gunna to check on the MacWilliam lass after a few months to make sure no one had discovered her identity. We discovered the couple she had given the child to had died and we could not find out where the MacWilliam lass had been taken. We could not stay in the area. It was too dangerous for Gunna and the bairn. We returned periodically to search, but with no luck. When word reached her that you searched for the lass, she needed to know what you had discovered.”

“I discovered nothing,” Annis said, annoyed.

Troy shook his head. “Not so. Meeting you gave her what she needed—how to keep the lass safe.”

“How does meeting me do that when I do not know where the lass is or even who she is?”

Troy went on to explain. “There was one thing that we found out about the MacWilliam lass when searching for her. You see, the bairn was not the only lass given to the childless couple, two other lassies were as well so no one would ever know which one was the MacWilliam lass. We discovered all three bairns remained together. The one lass stood out from the other two. Her hair was a mass of springy red curls that could never be tamed.”

Brogan’s eyes spread wide. “Are you saying that my wife is the MacWilliam lass?”

Annis shook her head. “That is utter nonsense. My hair is just like my mother’s hair.”

“That may be, but the woman was not your mother,” Troy said. “And whether you are the MacWilliam lass or not, I could not say, since I was not present when the three lassies were placed with the childless couple.”

The shocking news left his wife trembling and Brogan rushed his arm around her to hold her tight.

Troy continued. “Gunna explained that even though your father,”—he gave a nod to Brogan— “and Lord Lochlann concocted the tale about them killing the bairn, she feared they would secretly continue their search. It is why the other two lassies were placed with the bairn.”

“So, not only me or one of my sisters is the MacWilliam lass, but we also do not share the same bloodline,” Annis said, trying to comprehend the startling news. Her anger suddenly sparked. “It matters not to me what you say, Elysia and Bliss are my sisters.”

Troy nodded. “From speaking with you, Gunna realized you have a bond as strong as sisters, but she was not surprised since you three are cousins.”

“Cousins?” Annis shook her head, the news once again startling her. “That would mean that one of us is…” Annis kept shaking her head.

Brogan finished for his wife. “One of them is Gunna’s daughter?”

Troy nodded. “Aye, one is Gunna’s daughter. She feared her daughter would meet the same fate as Aila’s daughter since she helped her sister sneak the bairn away.”

“Who is the other lass’s mother?” Brogan asked.

“It must be Verbena,” Annis said turning her head to her husband. “Don’t you recall what your father said about her being Aila’s sister?”

“That’s right,” Brogan nodded, recalling.

“Before you ask,” Troy said, “I know nothing about Verbena. Gunna rarely mentions her.”

“Luna—Gunna—made mention of a sister she had lost, so I assume she had died.” Annis shook her head. “I need to talk with my sisters.”

“Gunna told me you would say that, but she advised against it at the moment,” Troy said and quickly raised his hand to ward off a protest from Annis. “Let me explain.” He continued when Annis nodded. “Everyone knows you search for the MacWilliam bairn, and rumors spread that you have spoken with the witch. Many will assume you found what you searched for and return with news to your sisters. That will put you in extreme danger, for there will be those who hunt you for that information alone and your life is already in danger from some insane people out to kill you.”

“They wish me dead so I do not produce an heir, but if the curse is broken, their cause ceases to exist,” Annis said. “Who then would hunt me?” Her eyes went wide. “Oh good Lord! The three of us are wed to the very men who want one of us dead.” She shook her head. “No one must know, not even my sisters. This must remain with us.” Tears filled her eyes. “How do I save any of us now when I cannot reveal what I know?”