Annis saw the worry in the way his whole face seemed to scrunch. “I will suffer less if you smile, since your gorgeous smiles always brighten my day.”

His face burst into a smile. “I do have a gorgeous smile.”

Annis laughed and winced, her hand going to her side. “Do not dare stop smiling. A small pain is nothing to the joy your smile brings me.” She moved her hand slowly to poke, with effort, at his chest. “Now tell me what weighed so heavily on your mind while you waited in the shadows.”

Brogan took gentle hold of her hand to kiss, then place on her chest, since he saw how much effort it took for her to poke him. He knew the familiar gesture was to calm his worry and that she would brave the pain to ease his concern spoke of how much she loved him, and it warmed his heart.

Brogan shared his thoughts. “It makes sense that the group who wishes the curse to end with me, Odran, and Rannick is the one who hired the mercenaries to abduct and kill you. But they will not stop if we do not cut off the head of the group.”

“The curse was a heavy burden to place on you and the other cursed lords to see the clan’s name carried on. Surely, it would have been easy for your fathers to have more bairns to help so the burden would not be carried by only one.”

“A thought that had been considered, but when several miscarriages were suffered by all three wives, it was believed the curse would allow no more bairns to be born. And I also think the sorrow of losing those bairns brought an end to the effort as well.”

“The curse had a wide-reaching effect on many,” Annis said.

“Far too many and it still does,” Brogan said unable to keep the annoyance from his remark.

Annis understood he blamed himself for what had happened to her, and she would argue it with him, but it would be useless. Instead, she said, “Which is why our quest expands to finding the leader of this mysterious group.”

“When you are well-healed,” he commanded, but with a smile. “You need to sleep.” He tucked the blanket up over her shoulders. “There are guards posted at the door. No one enters without my permission.”

“Can you trust them?”

Brogan smiled. “I do not think we have to worry about Seward or Maggie. And Maggie assured me that her scream would wake the dead if necessary.”

Annis laughed and winced.

Brogan kissed her brow. “Sleep, wife, we will talk later.”

Her eyes closed and Brogan left, pleased that he heard a slight snore by the time he reached the door.

Seward and Maggie greeted him when he stepped outside and assured him that they would alert him if anyone, but Una, tried to disturb Lady Annis.

Brogan was eager to speak with Rudd now that he knew his wife would heal. He would get the information out of the man no matter the cost.

The villagers paused in their tasks to inquire about Lady Annis and wish her well. Risley asked that she be told the building is going well and he is following her plans as instructed. Brogan knew she would be happy to hear that.

Troy approached him with a smile. “This is a nice village you have here. My men and I might stay for a while.”

“Are you asking permission to remain here?” Brogan said.

“Since you lost your right-hand man, I thought you might need a new one.”

Brogan snickered. “And I should trust a mercenary?”

“I believe I have proven you can trust not only me but my men as well and time will confirm that.”

“You and your men are skillful warriors, but what of Gunna, will she agree to reside here as well?” Brogan asked, reminding the man that everything depended on finding Gunna.

“That will be her decision.”

“Then I hope to see her soon, for Annis is not well enough to chase after her,” Brogan said, knowing Annis’s quest would have to wait while she healed. Something she would not be happy to hear.

“Very soon,” Troy said.

Brogan was pleased with his response and knew his wife would be as well. “Join me while I speak with Rudd.”

“A test to see how well I would serve you?” Troy asked.

Brogan shook his head. “I do not think you serve anyone.”

“You are right. I don’t serve anyone, but I do make a trustworthy friend.”

“We will see about that,” Brogan said, though he had a feeling the man spoke the truth.

Rudd was where MacRae warriors had left him, tied to a stake in the ground.

“I will tell you nothing,” Rudd said defiantly.

Brogan was more confident. “In time you will.”

Rudd laughed. “You will not stop this. The plan will succeed, and a great power will arise from its depths. And I take great pride in being part of it.”