He glances at me and then begins to pace near the comm station. "We wait until my contact gets in touch with us. Hopefully, it won't take long. Once he's confirmed we can dock at his private port, we'll refuel and resupply. Depending on his information, we'll either set a trap for my mother's assassins or we'll move onward. I haven't decided yet, and I'm curious to see if Bist has heard anything."

Bist. I file that name into my shitty brain and secure the end of my thread, finishing his sleeve. "Got it. So we're not disembarking just yet."

"Some of us won't be disembarking at all."

I drop my sewing and look up at him. "What? You're not leaving me up here."

"The hidden room is secure—"

"No!" I jump to my feet and storm toward him. "Straik, no. I've been cooped up on this ship and the Star for years. I want to get out."

He gives me a look of disbelief. "And you think going to a station is getting out? The air is less fresh there than on this ship. There are people crammed in every bit of space. The stink—"

"I don't care," I tell him, stopping just in front of him. His gaze moves to me, to the dress I've haphazardly resized more to my form with a few quick, strategic stitches. It's not great, but it no longer hangs off me like a sack. "I just want to see something different. I want to see what kind of universe I'm in. I want a change of pace. Please." The thought of them taking a break and going on station while I stay behind, huddled in the secret closet, sounds like torture. I want to see this station. I want to see what life is like out here.

"No," Straik says again, but it sounds less firm.

"I'll stay at your side the whole time," I promise. "Two steps behind you, even. I'll let you treat me like your pet." Not too long ago I hated the thought, but I hate the thought of staying on here while they all relax and have fun even more. "Please. Please please."

Straik watches me, and when his gaze goes to my mouth, I want to scream in triumph. He's still thinking about kissing me. "You'd be a terrible pet."

"I'm an absolute brat," I agree. "But you love that. I can be a sassy pet, can't I? As long as I don't run away?"

He shakes his head. "Absolutely do not run away, Ruth. You won't be safe. I'm serious. The kinds of beings on these stations are not the ones you want to get mixed up with."

"I've no intention of running away, I promise. Not if you're taking me back to my friends. Please, can I go with you and pretend to be your bratty pet?" I flutter my lashes at him.

He sighs. "Fine. But—"

I let out a squeal of excitement, flinging my arms around his neck. Or trying to. I mostly just flail at his shoulders, because he's so big. But he catches me and pulls me up against him, his gaze going to my mouth again. I don't need another hint—I tug him down and press my lips to his, kissing him again.

This time, when Straik kisses me back, it's better. It's like he remembers to be gentle, that his tongue coaxing mine feels better than stabbing, and his lips are warm and restless with hunger. I moan against his mouth, fascinated by how good he feels. Kissing an alien should not be this much fun. It should be a nightmare, and somehow…it's not.

I might even like it. A lot.

"You'll have to behave," he tells me between breathless kisses, even as he tugs me towards the bed.

"Just enough to keep you guessing," I agree, and when his hand slides to my ass to hold me against him, I wrap my legs around his waist. "You like a challenge."

Straik groans and then moves our twined bodies toward the bed. He sits down on the edge, me perched in his lap, and continues to kiss me, hot, wet, and urgent. His tongue flicks against mine, reminding me that it's covered in ridges, and if I wanted to do more, it could be a lot of fun. And when he nips at my lower lip, it reminds me that it could be a whole hell of a lot of fun…and I'm in charge. I rock my hips against him, testing the waters, and when he stiffens, his mouth conveying his surprise, it makes me wonder just how much experience he has.

"Straik?" I ask between kisses. "Are you a virgin?"



I make a panicked sound against her mouth, pulling back.

A virgin? Why…does she want to know? "Does that matter?" There's an accusing tone in my voice. "Does it change anything?"