I must meet his approval, because he rubs his lower lip and then…not quite paces. Not like usual. Normally he practically flings himself back and forth in the room, as if he has to work furious energy out of his body and doesn't have anywhere to do so. He paces like a lion in a cage. After our kiss? He walks back and forth, but it's thoughtful. Subdued.


"I forget that you weren't privy to the crew's instructions," Straik murmurs, sauntering back and forth. "We are headed to Prefalon Station. I have a contact there with a private dock that we can use. From there, we'll refuel and wait to see if the assassins are still on our tail. If they are, we're either going to have to flush them out or lose them somehow. I can't lead them back to the Buoyant Star. If my mother is the one that sent them, she's going to give them orders to destroy everyone on board, and I won't have that."

"I vote against it, yeah." I manage a weak smile. "Do you think they're still following us, then?"

He shoots me a look. "If it were me, I would be, yes. So I have to imagine that they haven't given up."

"But…everything's quiet. No one's attacking?"

"We're on a busy star-lane. They're not going to want to attack us publicly and draw the attention of authorities. They'll wait for us to head off on a less-traveled route, or to dock to refuel, and that's when they'll strike."

Sounds like he's familiar with assassinations. I wonder if he's done them before, or just been the target? I'm not sure I want to know. "I see."

"You'll be safe. Don't worry."

I'm never truly safe anywhere in this universe, but if he feels like he can promise it, I'll go with that. I'm probably safer with him…except for that whole “assassins on our tail” thing. "So you know this station well? Will it be safe for me to go there?"

Straik rubs the back of his neck, looking uncomfortable. "Not on your own. I imagine no one would ask questions if you posed as a human pet."

I make a face. "Or I stay on the ship."

"Or that. It's several days to Prefalon, though." His gaze drops to where I've made myself comfortable on his bed, and he glances around his chambers. He crosses his arms over his chest. "We should probably make you comfortable."

I narrow my eyes, because I'm not sure what he's getting at. “Make me more comfortable” like they do in the movies when they undress? Or what? "How so?"

He begins to pace faster, all energy once more. "We'll have a few volunteers. The men bunk two to a room, so we only need two to give up their quarters. It doesn't seem right to have you room with Dopekh again, and it might cause confusion amongst the men if we do."

So someone's going to give up their room for me? I hate that idea. "I don't want to kick anyone out of their rooms. They'll resent my presence."

"Not around me they won't," he blusters.

As if he can control what they're thinking. I fight the urge to roll my eyes. "They're already stressed and unhappy. Forcing them to give up a room so I can sleep in a room by myself…seems unfair to me." An idea hits me and I flutter my lashes at him. "Do you share your quarters, Captain?"

Straik gives me a heated look. "If I did, would I insist you teach me how to kiss?"

There's that weird sense of honor that somehow manages to be flattering. "Then it's solved. I'll stay here with you, since I'm already comfortable here." I lie down on my side in the bed, pretending like I've always been here.

He goes still. "Are you trying to manipulate me?"

I shake my head. "Actually, no. You said it's my call how far things go, right? We can just keep this friendly. I can sleep on the floor, or in the closet, wherever is out of the way. We can hang out like buddies."

"Buddies," he echoes flatly, and his gaze moves up and down my reclining body.

Okay, maybe lounging in his bed isn't the brightest move this “buddy” had. I sit up. "Look. I feel more comfortable with you than with the crew. I'm sure they're nice guys, but to them, I'm a human hamster. You at least treat me like a person. And if I hog one of the rooms, it's going to make things weird for everyone. The guys getting displaced will be pissy. The guys taking in an extra person will be pissy. At least this way, we solve that problem."

Straik's gaze falls to my mouth and he shifts his weight, as if dying to adjust himself. "As a reminder, if this is a seduction, you are in charge. I will not make a single move—"