With a sense of dread in my gut, I jerk to my feet and race out of my quarters…and nearly run into Kazex. He stands guard outside of my room and gives me a strange look. It takes me a moment to realize I'm still only half-dressed, wearing nothing but my trou and boots. The men are used to seeing me in the traditional robes of a house male. I probably look disheveled and slightly insane.

"Are you all right, Lord Straik?"

I make a half-hearted attempt to shove my hair back behind my horns. "The female. Dopekh. Where—"

Kazex nods before I even finish. "Not to worry, my lord. They are in the mess hall, eating with the crew. Ruth said you were tired and she didn't wish to disturb you."

Ruth. He calls her Ruth. Hearing that makes me feel foolishly possessive and irritated all at once. How many of my crew are friendly with her now? "You're supposed to be watching her."

His dark brows furrow. "I…but you had them in your quarters together. Dopekh said you recalled him from the brig and forgave him. The female is not in cuffs. She said you both came to an understanding."

I want to grit my teeth in pure frustration. A'ani—clones—are good, loyal crew, but they are also overly trusting at times. If Ruth knows that and is using that to her advantage…the wily human will be running this ship before the day's end. "Keep an eye on the human," I tell Kazex. "No matter what she says. Monitor her. If she looks as if she's heading for the control rooms at any point, I want you to lock her up. Understand?"

Kazex gives me a wide-eyed stare. "Of course, my lord. If I've done wrong—"

"It's fine," I say irritably, waving off his apology before he can get started. "I'll handle it." I head toward the mess hall, stalking down the cool, austere halls of my ship. They look far too clean and neat for the mess that seems to be my life lately. I turn down two halls, and even before I get to the mess hall, I can hear conversation. Raised voices and laughter.

When I step through the doors, all that laughter dies.

Ruth and Dopekh sit with several others in the crew, bowls in front of them on the table. Ruth has males on both sides of her and she's changed clothes—she no longer wears one of my robes but instead wears one of Dopekh's work uniforms. Her long hair is pulled into a tail and she's smiling brightly at Zaemen.

I don't like it. Any of it.

Ruth's smile fades a bit once I enter the room. "Did you have a good nap?" Her tone is bright and casual. "We weren't sure how long you'd sleep for, so we came to eat something." She gestures at the table. "Want to join us?"

I've eaten with my men in the past, but with the threat of mutiny and the female sitting with them, it doesn't seem like a good idea. "I need to check navigation and our current route. We should be approaching Risda III soon."

Jerzec—our navigator—gets to his feet, choking down the last of his food. He nods at me and races toward the bridge. I nod at the crew, clasping my hands behind my back, and then head after Jerzec. I don't demand that the female go back to my bed, or that she put on cuffs again. I don't even get mad that she's wearing Dopekh's clothing. Really, I should be given a keffing medal for all the restraint I'm showing.

When I make it to the bridge, Jerzec is at his station, licking his fingers. He pulls up nav maps and glances over at me, clearly trying not to stare at my bare chest or my shorn hair. "We're still on track, Lord Straik. Everything is as it should be. Fuel levels are good, as well."

I grunt, glancing over at Aithar, who handles comms. "Have you had any success hailing my uncle?"

"None, sir." Aithar—one of the youngest clones in the crew—punches a few buttons on his comm panel. "I'll attempt again, however."

"Keep sending the request until he responds," I say tightly. I study both of the a'ani in front of me. Jerzec is a quiet one, and fairly no-nonsense. Aithar is utterly loyal and a hard worker. "Also, I want you both to watch both Dopekh and the female. Keep an eye on them."

"Dopekh?" Jerzec asks. "What did he do?"

"He and the female are together," I say. "I want to make sure Dopekh's primary loyalty remains the Darkened Eye, that's all."

The two a'ani exchange a look. "Dopekh?" Aithar asks. "With…a female?"

I nod. They look at me as if I am crazed, and it irritates me. "Just watch both of them. That's all I ask. Report back to me if they do anything suspicious. Understand?" I point at Aithar. "And keep hailing my uncle. We can't land until we get permission, and I'm not going to orbit this planet for weeks hoping he'll throw me a keffing bone. Get it handled."