So I give Ruth my most charming smile. "I think I know what you need."

The look she gives me is downright wary.

"Computer," I call out. "Please have Dopekh report to my quarters." I glance over at her triumphantly, but her wariness hasn't decreased. If anything, she looks more uneasy than before.

There's a pause, and then the computer responds. "Crewman Dopekh is on his way. Do you require anything else?"

"No, that's all."

The human female frowns over at me. "Is he in trouble?"

So she thinks this is punishment, then? "Not at all. I'm trying to show you that we're a decent sort despite our rocky start, you and I. You seem sad, so I'm bringing your lover in to spend some time with you. To prove to you that we can be trusted."

"It's important to you that I trust you all?"

"Do you want to go back into the cuffs?"


"And I would very much like if you did not go around stabbing people. I've got enough on my plate right now."

She lifts one eyebrow. "I'm not stabbing 'people.' Just you." Ruth gives me a defiant look. "And you kind of deserved it."

Only “kind of”? We're making progress after all. I give her my most charming grin, still determined to win her over so she doesn't go around shoving knives into random things in my ship. She's a violent little thing, this one. "And really, you deserve cuffs, but I'm going to trust in Dopekh and your love for him."

She manages a small, weak smile.

I am pleased with my plan. Dopekh is loyal, I know. It's evident from his confession earlier. He can keep the female occupied, show her that there's nothing to fear. Show her that we're a strong crew and then she'll be silent when people ask pressing questions. I need that silence right now, more than anything. Having her here is dangerous, but I'm not going to be the monster my mother thinks I am and just toss her out the airlock.

The door buzzes.

"Enter," I say, returning to my pacing.

Dopekh steps inside, his dark hair slightly messy as if he was running a hand through it with worry.

I smile at him, pleased my plan is coming together so well. "I've decided that if the female must stay where I can watch her, there's nothing that says you cannot be with her as well." I gesture at Ruth, who gets to her feet. "I don't like to keep lovers apart."

The clone's eyes go wide. His mouth opens, and then the female flings herself into his arms, pressing her mouth to his. And I turn away, because for some reason, the sight of that bothers me. Dopekh is a nice male. He's a good crew member, and loyal. It's just that…the female is sharp and dangerous. She's clever and strong-willed, whereas Dopekh is more easygoing.

She's going to eat him alive. She needs someone stronger, more cunning. Someone who knows her games. Someone like…

I push the thought away before it enters my mind.

Absolutely not.



Dopekh looks utterly confused as he enters the room, and even more confused when I throw myself on him and kiss his mouth. "Play along," I whisper as I hold him against me.

He's not a good actor, poor Dopekh. He flails against me for a moment like a fish caught on a line and then puts an awkward hand on my back. He even pats me once. Yeah, because people pat their lover on the back in the middle of a passionate embrace. Seems legit.

So I end the (terrible, terrible) kiss with a peck on the cheek. "Don't be shy," I say, a bit louder. "He knows about us now."

Dopekh swallows, his Adam's apple bobbing. "He does?" His panicked gaze flicks between the two of us. "I was taking myself to the brig—"

"I've changed my mind," Straik says, waving a hand dismissively. "Ruth wants you here. She risked her life to be with you, so I should at least let the two of you be together." He moves the food-covered table and pops one of those horrid mushroom muffins into his mouth, then picks up his data pad and walks away. It's almost like he's trying to give us privacy.

Is he putting on a show to try and make me believe that he's a decent guy? Or is he really not that bad? I think about the call with his mother, and how rotten she was, and how appalled he was at everything she suggested. I'm sure some of it was for my benefit, but maybe I've misjudged him…just a little.

We'll see.

I grab Dopekh's hand and drag his ass over to the bed. The a'ani looks horrified when I sit down and indicate he should join me. "That is the captain's bed," he hiss-whispers at me. "I should not be in it."