I like the stones on this guy.

Ruthie sits next to me, sucking on her lower lip in that goofy way of hers. Kazex is at her side, and even though he's supposed to be standing guard, I don't think he's looked at anything but Ruthie. He practically hovers over her, his arm across the back of her chair, touching her shoulder when he thinks I'm not looking. Dopekh's an even worse guard. He stands near the door, flirting with this Salvotor dude. Or rather, Salvotor flirts with him, and Dopekh eats it up. Every time I look over at him, he's blushing and standing a little closer to the new guy. Alice told me that Salvotor is a good friend of hers and that he's harmless…and that he's chased every bit of tail (male and female) he's seen ever since getting to Risda III and Port.

I'm not sure I like that. If he breaks Dopekh's heart, I might have to tear him a new asshole. If we stick around this place, I make a mental note to talk to Salvotor in private. I wonder if I need to give Dopekh a talk, too. I feel protective of him, and it's not just because he's part of Straik's crew. He's my friend. My people. No one messes with my people.

I'm still a little worried about the rest of the crew. Dopekh and Kazex agreed to come with us as support, even though Alice has reassured me that we're safe here and despite the situation with my husband and the va Sithai brothers, no one wants to hurt us. The rest of the crew were going to stay on the ship to guard it, but then someone spotted a human woman walking through Port's streets, and it occurred to them that Port was full of human women. After that, they drew straws to see who had to stay with the ship and the rest went skirt-chasing. They're like kids in a candy store.

I'd find their eagerness funny if I weren't so stressed about everything else. My stomach twists and a sour taste hits the back of my throat. Oh no. I do not want to stress puke again. I burp, looking around frantically for Alice, but she's gone off to find Lord va'Rin's wife and get us refreshments.

"Oh god," Ruthie says, sliding away from my chair. "Are you going to puke again?"

I press my hand to my mouth. "No?"

"You are!" Ruthie looks around for a vessel, grabs a crystalline vase with a delicate looking flower in it, tosses the flower and the water on the floor, and then offers it to me. "Are you stressed?"

"I want my husband," I whine, and clutch the vase against my chest just in case. "If someone gets him, I'm not gonna puke because I'll be happy again."

Ruthie wrings her hands, pacing. "This room is far too opulent for you to vomit in, okay? I can only imagine how hard it's going to be to clean the color changing rug. I bet it costs a fortune."

"Well, now you're really gonna make me puke," I mutter, holding the vase under my chin.

"I'm going to find Alice," Ruthie says, hurrying toward the double doors. There's a guard with the chrome-like horns on the other side, and when she whispers something to him, he blanches and races away, too. Great, everyone's panicking at the thought of me puking. That's helpful.

I lean my head back just as a cold sweat breaks out over my skin. Nope. Not gonna puke if I can help it.

"Her face just turned a weird color," I hear Salvotor whisper to Dopekh. "I don't think that's good."

"I would stand back again, if I were you," Dopekh replies, putting a hand around his new friend's shoulder and steering him gently away.

Probably a good call. I close my eyes, because the color-changing carpet is not doing great things for my gut. Man, it feels like all I've done lately is puke.

To my surprise, Ruthie comes racing back in a moment later. "I found her! She's coming with cake, too!"

Oh good. I manage a wan smile and keep my eyes closed, focusing on breathing. To my intense relief, the urge to upchuck passes, and my breathing gets easier as the sick feeling falls away. I remain still, even as I hear voices and feet enter the room, and don't open my eyes until there's a clink of cutlery nearby.

I look up and Jade and Helen are both there with Alice, delighted expressions on their faces. I drink in the sight of them, because I haven't seen their dear faces in months. Helen is just as unearthly beautiful as ever, her pale purple hair pulled back into an ornate, bejeweled ponytail that shows off her colorful, webbed, pointed ears. She wears a slinky gown of a shimmering fabric that flows like water when she strides forward, her arms out to hug me.