"I'll let you know when to worry," I reassure her, and set her foods down on her end of the table. "I hope you like this."

She gives me a sly look. "Does it matter if I do?"

For some reason, that flusters me. Maybe it's the way she's looking at me, all teasing and amused, as if we're sharing a secret. "Why wouldn't it matter?"

"I ate noodles for three years straight because there was nothing else." She picks up one of the eating sticks, toying with it in a way that makes my cock prick to attention. "When everything safe is taken from you, you learn not to be that picky about what goes into your mouth."

I stare at her lips, hating that my cock is now firmly rising in my trou.

Ruth gives me a subtle smile. "So whatever this is, it's fine. I'm sure I can choke down something distasteful to ensure my survival."

I…hope we're talking about noodles still.



Do clones like sweets, I wonder? I poke at my food, trying to spear it onto my eating sticks. The weird little veggie cakes have a strange consistency but remind me a bit of candied yams back home, and I like it. It's not noodles or those gross mushroom puff things he had the other day, so it's all good. Straik seems to be content with a bowl of noodles himself, and he's quiet as he eats.

I'm not sure quiet is a good thing. "So are we far from Prefalon?"

"Another day or two," he says with a shrug. "Didn't realize you were in a hurry."

I smack his hand with one of my eating sticks. "Don't be pissy. I'm just making idle conversation while we eat."

He shakes his head. "I did not realize. I am…not used to providing conversation during meals. The men usually don't talk to me when I eat with them, and when I was home, my mother felt it was best I didn't speak at all."

Why am I not surprised that his mother was involved in yet another shitty situation? "That would have just made me talk more."

A faint smile curves his mouth as he pokes his meal. "It did for a time, but the punishments got to be too much."

Punishment. For speaking during a meal. I almost feel sorry for Straik. No wonder he wanted to run off and be a pirate instead of a lordling. I would have run away screaming, too. No wonder he's no good at idle conversation. I can't imagine the men feel comfortable when their boss hangs out for a meal, either. They seem to like him a lot, but I imagine it hinders things. Guess I'll have to take up the reins, then, since I don't like the thought of sitting in silence as we eat. It makes me feel a bit like a captive again, and it's not a feeling I relish. "So what kind of noodles are you eating?"

"Jirri. They're a little spicy. I like the heat." For some reason, the base of his horns flushes when he says that. Interesting.

I eat another wedge of whatever it is I'm eating. "So why are you eating noodles when there's other stuff? Like these veggie things?" I gesture at my plate. "What are these called?"

"Veg-cakes. They are usually very sweet." His nose wrinkles, just a touch, the ridges moving. "I do not care for them."

"But you have stuff other than noodles."

Straik nods. When he's silent again, I tap one stick on his hand. His horns flush again, and I wonder what the heck is going on. He's normally not tongue-tied around me, conversation-starter or not. He's acting like a virgin on his first date.

Oh my god…

Is this a date?

I stare at him, but when Straik continues to politely eat noodles, avoiding eye contact, I can't decide if it really is or if he's just in a weird mood. "So if you're the big boss, how come you have food you don't like on the ship?"

"The crew likes a variety, and I like to ensure that they're happy." He shrugs, stirring his noodles. "This is their home. I want it to be comfortable."

That's surprisingly thoughtful. "The Star had nothing but noodles."

He glances up at me again, a rueful look on his face. "Most ships carry noodles and not much else. They keep well and re-hydrate easily, and don't require a lot of special containers to make. But like I said, the crew likes variety. It seems a small thing that brings them much joy, so we rotate the menu at different ports." Straik glances up at me. "Do you like it?"

"I like anything not noodle, but yes, this is good." I smile at him, and he blushes again.

Oh my god, this IS a date.

I…this is adorable. I grin, and I can't stop grinning even as I take another bite of food. One kiss and a few hugs and now we're on a date? How fucking cute is that? It seems the more I smile, the more flustered Straik gets. I do wonder if he's a virgin. Did his mom hold a grip on him so tightly that he never got to flirt with the ladies? Or how does that even work in their culture? I'm dying to know, but it's probably inappropriate to ask. "So…"