Page 79 of The Room(hate)

He smirked. “You can’t bear to just say it like a normal person, can you?”

“You didn’t fall in love with a normal person, did you?”

He lowered his head and planted a soft, tender kiss on my lips. “I hope you know you’re mine forever,” he said.

“Forever is a long time.”

“Then you’re stuck with me for a long time.”

I lifted his tie and ran my thumb across it, shrugging. “I can think of worse ways to spend forever.”


Epilogue - Kenzie

Four Months Later

I’d never necessarily considered myself “sexy” in any traditional sense. Being with Sebastian for five months did help. The man acted like I was a complete “smokeshow,” as the kids say. But my pregnancy had reached a point where I couldn’t imagine being seen as anything but a beached whale.

Laying on the couch to watch a show? I practically had to grunt and flop my arms like flippers to roll myself over and get up. Eating? I had to fight the urge to inhale and skip swallowing all together. The worst was probably that my horniness had not decreased. It had just kept getting more and more out of control. I’d lost count of the times I snuck into Sebastian’s office while he was writing to demand pleasure.

To his credit, he gave no sign of being bothered by my gigantic pregnant stomach. If anything, he loved it. He was always coming up from behind me to put his hands on it or wanting to press his ear there to listen.

I rested my hands on my belly, which was also the world’s most amazing portable armrest. It was launch day for my book, and Sebastian had taken it upon himself to invite every human being we’d ever known over to his house.

Adrian’s wife, Juliette, had come and was also pregnant, but not as far along as I was. The two of us were talking outside while the guys all gathered inside around the beer and snacks. The last few months had been good for Sebastian. Gradually, he’d become something close to friends with Noah and Adrian. It was probably too generous to say he’d been getting along with Travis, but my brother had been embroiled in his own drama recently. He wasn’t even able to come today.

“Have you had any weird cravings?” Jules asked.

I’d learned she born into insane wealth, but left it all behind. Somehow, her paths had crossed with Adrian Terranova last year, and the two of them had rockily hit it off from there. They both lived in the city, and the baby was going to be their first.

“Nothing too crazy,” I said. Does dick count?

“I’m embarrassed to admit this,” Jules said. She lowered her voice and leaned a little closer. “I’ve been crazy about ketchup for weeks now. Yesterday, I had two slices of bread with nothing but ketchup and pickles between them. I’ve been dipping my grilled cheese and macaroni and cheese in ketchup. I can’t control it.”

I laughed. “How has Adrian handled the pregnancy?”

“He was already protective, but it’s on overdrive now.”

“Yep,” I said. “That’s exactly how Sebastian is. I thought he was about to choke out a squirrel for startling me on our walk the other day. Thankfully it got away before he caught it.”

Jules laughed. “Adrian keeps looking up all these weird things online that are supposed to help me. Yesterday, he rubbed coconut water on my belly for half an hour. It felt nice, so I didn’t complain, but I have no idea where he’s finding this stuff.”

“At least he’s trying to be helpful,” I said with a shrug.

Trinity emerged from the house, waving. “Yo!” she said. “Sorry I’m late. I was too busy landing an interview for the perfect job.”

I looked to Jules. “She thinks every job is the perfect job.”

Jules grinned.

“This is really the one,” Trinity said. “If you work there for six months, they will pay for you to study culinary arts abroad. All I have to do is survive six months without getting fired or quitting. How hard could that be?”

I decided not to point out that based on her work history, it was apparently impossible.

“Are you excited?” Jules asked.

“Yeah,” Trinity said. “Seriously. Why aren’t you having a panic attack? Why don’t you look terrified out of your mind? I mean, this is your dream, right? What if something goes wrong? What if the reviews are terrible or some glitch makes you publish Ghost Fucker under your name?”

Jules laughed. “I still can’t believe you guys did that.”

I glared at Trinity. “I was doing my best not to dwell on everything that could go wrong, thanks. Now that you’ve reminded me, yeah. I do feel a little terrified.”

“Good. That’s healthy,” Trinity said. “Sebastian told me to tell you to get inside. He said it will be going up any minute.”