Page 87 of The Room(hate)

“There are other jobs. I just figured I could at least find out what the salary is here. For comparison’s sake,” I added.

“One seventy-five per year. You’ll need to accompany me on trips. You’ll receive a five-thousand-dollar stipend for each trip out of the state. Your airfare, food, and lodging will be covered. The healthcare is top of the line. We have a company fitness center and childcare facility on the top floor of this building you’ll have access to at any time you wish. There are racquetball courts and an indoor pool across the street you can use as well.”

“I didn’t accept the job yet,” I said, even though it was hard to keep looking confident when my head was spinning. “Did you say… one seventy-five? Can you elaborate on that one?”

“One hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars per year. With stipends, you should be well over two fifty. Maybe three hundred on a busy year. Assuming you last long enough to collect, that is.”

I did a few quick mental calculations. The salary he was talking about was approximately… way more than enough to cover my expenses. The reality of having to think about this sort of thing was still new to me, but no less in my face. The universe didn’t care if you’d once had access to piles and piles of money. All that mattered was if your cards swiped and your checks cleared. Fail that simple test, and you could go fuck yourself, as far as anyone was concerned.

This demon in a suit was offering me a ticket out of that reality. He was offering me my first step toward being able to show my father he’d been wrong. I could do this on my own. I wasn’t completely naïve about how the world worked.

“You had three days to decide. Now you have one minute. Do you want the job or not?” he asked.

I barely knew the man, but I already wasn’t surprised. I didn’t even bother asking how that made any sense. “I’d like to see a written contract before I agree to anything.”

Mr. White had a way of not responding right away. He let the silence hang there, reminding me how damn intimidating he was. He finally reached to his side and slid a stack of papers across his desk. I picked them up, noticing they were still warm.

I assumed it was some sort of template, but I noticed my name was filled in along with the salary and stipend he’d mentioned. “When did you have time to write this up?”

“Are you going to sign or not?”

I met his eyes, fought the urge to look away from their intensity, and then shook my head. I didn’t exactly have a choice. As much as I wanted to knock him down a peg and watch that self-satisfied look melt from his face, I needed this.

I sucked up my pride and finished reading. I tried not to care that he seemed to expect me to sign without reading and wasn’t bothering to hide his impatience. I wasn’t about to sign something without reading it from this man.

But by the time I finished all three pages, there was nothing shocking in the contract. It all seemed pretty standard, except for the massively generous salary and benefits that came with the position.

When I looked up, he was holding a pen out for me. I grabbed it, then signed my name at the bottom and pushed the stack of papers toward him.

“Why do I feel like I just signed a deal with the devil?”

Adrian actually grinned at that. “Maybe because you’re more perceptive than you look.”

* * *

This is the end of the sneak peak. If you’re enjoying the story and want more, The Boss(hole) is available for free with Kindle Unlimited! Click Here To Keep Reading>>


Suggested Reading Order

I realize that it can be a little overwhelming to click an author name on Amazon and get an entire list of titles going back for more than five years. Which one should you read next and what’s the best order?

So that’s what this section is here to answer!

If you enjoyed this book, then my suggestions for what to read next are below, in order from most relevant to least relevant. I haven’t included all of my books because I think the romantic comedies are going to be the best match with this book, but I’ll include one of my favorite non romantic comedy books just incase you’re interested in diving into that side of my catalog as well.

Which book should you read immediately after this one? That’s easy. The Boss(hole). It’s in the same world and you’ll get to see more of the same characters.

What should you read after that?

The Objects of Attraction Series. It starts with His Banana and is definitely my most successful series of all time. Each book is really fun, irreverent, and guaranteed to make even the stuffiest reader laugh through their nose once or twice. If you want to check out just one book to get a taste, click that first link. If you want a discount on all six books, click here to look at the bundle (that’ll get you all six books for $9.99 instead of $16)