Page 34 of The Room(hate)

“How the hell?” I breathed, not even knowing which angle of my disbelief I should start with.

“What’s the fun of being evil villain rich if you don’t abuse your power once in a while?” Travis asked. He looked well-groomed in a crisp white shirt with no tie and a blazer and a matching pair of navy socks.

“What does that even mean?”

“It means I tried to go pay you a visit yesterday. You weren’t there, so I tried your phone, which was dead. Being the responsible older brother I am, I hired a few people to find you. Honestly, for what I paid them, it was disappointing it took this long.”

“You hired people to stalk me?”

He frowned, looking up at the ceiling. He idly rubbed Mr. Meatball’s head, drawing a chorus of meows from the little traitor. “I’ve always kind of thought stalking had a continuous element. I mean, is it really stalking if you just do it once?”

“Yes,” I said flatly.

“Okay, then. I stalked you. To save you.”

“To save me from this gorgeous house I’m living in rent free? To save me from the great writing session I was having before you interrupted?”

“Exactly. Did you know this place has a butler?”

Jasper, who had been looming behind Travis like he was ready to club him over the head, suddenly beamed. I bit back a grin of my own.

“I’m aware. Second question. What drugs did you give that cat? He’s not the most friendly, approachable animal. Trinity tried to go smoochy on him and got the Mike Tyson treatment.”

“Oh that’s bullshit,” Travis said. He brought his nose down closer to Mr. Meatball, who squinted his eyes and lifted his smooshed face to bump noses with Travis.

Sickening, I thought.

“You’re just misunderstood, aren’t you, buddy?”

“He’s a spoiled brat, is what he is,” I said.

“And he deserves to be spoiled. This little guy is awesome. Just look at that face.” He cupped Mr. Meatball on both sides of his head, lifting it and scratching behind his ears. “Nothing wrong with being fancy and knowing it.”

“Well,” I said. “As much as I appreciate you paying a team of stalkers to track me down against my will… and as nice as it was for you to barge in and interrupt what I was doing unannounced… I’m not in need of rescue. So, thanks but no thanks.”

Travis shrugged. “Suit yourself.” He got up, dusting his hands, but there was a look in his eyes I didn’t particularly like. I decided he was probably just paying his creepy little henchmen to watch over the situation and feeling smug because he thought I wouldn’t know. But if that made him feel better, then whatever. I didn’t particularly care.

“So we’re good?” I asked.

Travis nodded. “Oh, absolutely. I was just going to catch up with the butler here for a minute before I go.” Travis gave Jasper a squeeze on the shoulder, causing the little old man to beam even wider.

My brother had a supernatural talent for reading people and charming them. He could rob a bank and leave the place to a room full of smiles and waves if he really put his mind to it. I shook my head and left, hoping he didn’t spend too long distracting Jasper before he left.

Either way, I was grateful to have the time back in my little patio garden getaway. I headed back upstairs, took a few minutes purging the distraction from my brain, then got to work.

After a long afternoon of writing, I realized I’d completely lost track of time again and missed Mr. Meatball’s next feeding and his walk. The knowledge hit me suddenly, making my heart pound as I rushed downstairs, bracing myself to see the mess he probably made for me.

But when I came into the kitchen, I saw no sign of his antics. I pre-heated the oven and grabbed his leash. “Mr. Meatball!” I called out. “Your food is going to be ready soon. Want to go for your walk?”

My panic mounted as I went room to room, jingling his leash. I’d never had to look for him before because he had a way of showing up when he wanted something, which happened to be about every hour or two.

After ten minutes, I stopped in the kitchen, planting my palms on the counter. My eyes were wide. Inch by inch, I felt the certainty grip me tighter. I’d done the one unforgivable thing a catsitter could do.

Well, killing the cat was probably more unforgivable than losing the cat. I just couldn’t find the little guy.

Still, shit! I swung my head from left to right, as if I’d spot him casually licking a paw on the couch.

Everything felt suffocatingly tight. My chest was in a vice and an invisible hand had me by the throat. I could barely breathe.

I lost Mr. Meatball. Sebastian was going to kill me.