Page 26 of The Room(hate)

I felt a smile tug at my lips. “I think this legal thing is bullshit. I think you’re just worried about me. That’s right, isn’t it?”

“Yes,” he said simply.

For some reason the admission made my heart patter away like a smitten teenager. And then he opened his pretty mouth and ruined the moment.

“Now I’m worried you’ll be creeping around my room spying on me if you’re out of bed.”

I felt myself blush. “I’m not a pervert. I just got lost and you came barging in. What was I supposed to do?”

“Barging into my own bedroom?” he asked coldly.

“Yes. That’s what you did. And if you don’t mind, I have some resting to do.”

I tried to look as indignant as possible when I pushed past him and left his room. I hesitated for a moment. I couldn’t quite remember what direction my room was. I turned to the right, trying to look confident.

“Wait,” Sebastian called from behind me.



I froze, hating how the command in his voice seemed to bite straight through me.

Sebastian was still behind me, eyes locked on me from where he stood in front of his bed. Meeting his eyes made my skin tighten and goosebumps rise all over me. There was a quiet power to him—an unspoken expectation that his way was the only way. Being the brat I was, I had to bite back my urge to teach him otherwise.

He was tossing on a shirt and dropping his towel. His swimming trunks were still on, and already spreading a wet ring around the bottom of his white shirt.

“I haven’t shown you where you’ll be staying.” Sebastian followed me out into the hallway.

“I kind of assumed it was the room you undressed me in.”

His eyebrow rose. “I didn’t—”

I gestured to the hospital style gown I was wearing. “Somebody undressed me. Considering how quick you were to do it the first time we met, I kind of assumed you volunteered for the job.”

He met my eye for a long, intense moment. The only movement was the diagonal slashes of muscle up his jaw flexing and relaxing. “Let me be clear with you, Kenzie.” His voice was dangerous. Low. Raspy. My stomach chose that moment to growl long and high.

Damn it. I seriously needed to see a specialist about that.

He stopped from saying whatever he’d been about to say and looked at my belly, a frown creasing his forehead. “You must be hungry. Has Jasper not brought you dinner yet?”

It’s probably sitting cold in my room, which I escaped from to snoop over an hour ago

“I had lunch,” I said.

He sighed. “Come on. I’ll make you something in the kitchen.”

“You can cook?”

He walked ahead of me, only sparing an annoyed glance over his shoulder. “I can put food over fire and warm it up. Yeah.”

I couldn’t help feeling like Sebastian was a wild lion that had dragged me into its lair. When it came to my safety and health, the lion was wildly protective. If I tried to small talk or get to know it, though, all I got were growls and bared teeth.

I had a sudden, unwelcome, and vivid image of Trinity’s head in my mind. I saw her face spiraling toward me while she spoke, her voice followed by a ghostly echo. “It’s ‘cause he’s saving you for the picklin’ hour!”

I blinked, shaking my head a little. I was officially losing my mind. Real life Trinity was bad enough. I didn’t need hallucinatory versions of her popping up to torment me, too.

Sebastian took me down one of the two staircases to the main living area and then to the kitchen. It was my first time seeing the downstairs of the house and I found it just as expansive and obnoxiously impressive as the upstairs. For all my brother Travis’ faults, he was more of a bachelor pad in a high-rise kind of guy. It meant my experience of ultra-rich housing was more of the condensed variety. This was relatively new to me, and I couldn’t help gawking at it all. There was a kind of regal calm to the house. It was excessive beyond all reason, but admittedly calm and peaceful.

Sebastian went into the kitchen, dug out some pots and pans, then put them on the stove. I leaned on the kitchen island while I watched him root through the fridge and come up with some packaged chicken and a few raw veggies. He didn’t speak while he worked, washing off some white rice and then the veggies.

The setting sun had gone from gold to pink. Horizontal bars of light were slowly sliding down from the wall to highlight sections of his chiseled body through the thin material of his shirt. I leaned forward with my head on my chin and my eyes glued to the hazy silhouette of his torso.