“Because you should—”

We pass the nurses’ station. “We’re going to see Eve,” I say. “Evening.”

The nurse leaps to her feet. “That girl needs attention.”

“Page Dr. Anderson,” I say.

“I’m good,” Aislin says, waving her hand vaguely.

Eve’s door is open, but I knock anyway. It takes a couple rounds before she wakes up.

“Yeah?” she calls.

“It’s Solo. I’m with Aislin.”


“Hi, E.V.,” Aislin calls.

“What … just come in, will you?”

Eve looks about like I probably looked twenty minutes ago. Like she can only open one eye. And there’s possible drool in the left corner of her mouth.

Why do I find that kind of hot? Seriously. Sleep drool.

She sits up. She’s wearing a too-small T-shirt. Her hair is all on one side of her head.

Her eyes widen. She barely notices me. Aislin staggers over to the bed and just sort of melts into her arms. It’s a long hug. I stand in the doorway, staring at my feet.

I’m thinking it’s time for me to sneak away quietly when Eve looks at me over Aislin’s shoulder, frowns, and jerks her head a little, indicating that I should come in.

I do. Feeling like I’m entering the Holy of Holies.

Oh my God. I’ve never been in a girl’s room before. It smells different in here. It smells good.

Still, the realization is disheartening somehow. All of this is new to me. Including the acknowledgment that it’s all new to me.

“Aislin,” Eve says softly. “Oh, Aislin.”

The nurse appears in the doorway. “Dr. Anderso

n’s on his way,” she says. “And you’re in no condition to be having visitors in the middle of the night.”

“Please,” Eve says, stroking Aislin’s hair, “leave us.”

The nurse wrings her hands.

“Two minutes,” Eve snaps, and the nurse retreats.

There’s some of her mother in Eve, I realize with a shock. I’ve never seen it in her before, but when she wants to, Eve can summon up that same voice of command and control.

“So?” Eve asks Aislin.

Aislin won’t meet her eyes.

Eve looks at me. I start answering before I realize I’m doing it.

“Your mother woke me, told me to meet her at the elevator. Aislin came up. I’m supposed to find her a place to stay.”