Page 33 of BZRK (BZRK 1)

“Who does?”


“Who the hell is Lear?”

This now was the most subtle of Ophelia’s many smiles. This one was made of respect and fear and submission. “Lear is Lear. And that’s all any of us will ever know.”


Statement of Charles and Benjamin Armstrong.

We are not evil men.

We do not desire power. We do not desire the subjugation of others. Our goal is freedom for the human race.

How many starve as we turn away? How many die from preventable diseases as we

ignore them? How many of our fellow human beings languish in political prisons, or the prison of their own addictions? How many are without hope, when we might give them hope?

We are a freak of nature: two men joined together by an accident of nature in our mother’s womb. Our brains are individual but interconnected. We cannot be separated without one of us dying.

And isn’t that how all mankind should be? Shouldn’t we all survive only so long as others do? Shouldn’t we all be part of one great human race without hatreds, without wars, without cruelty?

We are never lonely because we are we, and not just I. Many look at us with pity or with horror. Believe us when we say that we feel the same for all of you, trapped in your eternal loneliness.

For all of human history humans have been given the opportunity to love one another. And for the most part we have failed. But this need no longer be the case. Technology offers us a way out of harsh, cold, hostile separation.

I hear you thinking, “But that is the human condition.”

But why should we not seek to better the human condition? Have we not from time immemorial turned to technology to give ourselves powers that we did not naturally possess? Did we not use fire to stay warm and cook our food? Did we not use the electric light to banish the night? Did we not take to the air in balloons and airplanes and jets and thence to space itself in rockets?

Now we have the technology to banish not only the literal night, but the long, dark night of the human soul. With nanobots we can connect all people, everywhere, into one great race: the human race. No longer will some go hungry while others get fat. No longer will we turn a blind eye to cruelty, because we will feel all cruelties as our own.

Only ignorance stands between us and our goal of uniting the human race into something so much more profound than a mere social network. We can create a nexus of the entire human race.

We have in our hands the beginnings of true utopia.

Some will choose the path of evil and resist this glorious future.

We will mourn them.

Charles and Benjamin Armstrong



Dost thou know me, fellow?


No, sir; but you have that in your countenance

Which I would fain call master.


What’s that?