“Could be a Society black ops,” the old Pink says to Daxo. “Perhaps lurchers, or a Nightstalker.” Daxo nods and looks back at me.

“Did they have Venusian accents?”



“I don’t know. Mostly Lunese, I think.”

“Did you recognize any of them?”

I shake my head.

“Who was this Pink? The leader of the group that took the children?”

“Didn’t hear his name. Listen, I tried to get closer to hear clearlike, but I nudged a pipe. And then they came stormin’ after me.”

“Who did?”

“The crows.”

Daxo smiles in amusement. “You expect us to believe you outran Obsidians?”

“Didn’t bloody outrun them. I jumped into a vent.” I gesture to my shoulder and bloody hands. “What? You don’t believe me?” They exchange skeptical glances.

“Where did this supposed chase happen?” Daxo asks. “The trail will soon grow cold. We must catch them before they go off-moon.”

“They may already be gone,” the Pink says.

“We should freeze all air traffic,” Niobe says. “Search every ship.”

“Across the whole moon?”

“What they did to your father…”

“Mother, I wish we could. But that would expose the whole affair. Virginia would have to step down. Her judgment would be in question. The vote is scheduled for next week. This must be dealt with in silence.”

“It was in one of the reconstruction zones,” I say quickly. “There were cranes everywhere.”

“Which one?” Daxo asks. “Which zone?”

“I—I don’t know. I’ve only been to Hyperion twice.”

“She was picked up at an Alpha City checkpoint—21b, Senator,” Holiday says.

“I initiated a search before you were brought in,” the old Pink says. “Ten teams are scouring the area.”

“All Martians?”

The Pink looks at Holiday for an answer. “Yes, sir,” Holiday says. “Loyal men, all.”


“But we don’t even know what we’re looking for,” Holiday adds. “And the longer we look, the more attention we’re going to get. The Vox Populi will hear about it if we increase our presence.”

“That is not an option,” Daxo says harshly.

“They mutilated your father,” Niobe growls.