Finally, the twist. The reason behind all these innuendos and games.

“Is that an accusation?” Cassius asks warily.

“Oh yes, my goodman.”

“That’s why you went back into the Vindabona…” I say to Seraphina. “But you didn’t bring anything back with you.”

“I brought your razor,” she says.

My heart sinks in my chest. I missed it. I’ve walked straight into their trap. They’ve been toying with us, with me. And here I was admiring their civilization like a gorydamn anthropologist.

“And where is your razor?” Dido asks. “We’re dying to know.”

“It was lost,” I say.

“Our hull was punctured and the razor pushed into space before the cellular armor could close the breach,” Cassius explains.

“Is that so…Regulus?” Dido leans back. “The fish has left a foul taste in my mouth. I think it is time for dessert.” She motions to the servants and the door to the room opens. Two Obsidians with bulging pale arms enter carrying a load between them, which they set in the center of the table.

It is our safe.

“THE SAFE WAS WELL HIDDEN,” Dido says. “But of course our men are nothing but thorough. Fortunately, the k

rypteia who discovered it was one of mine.”

“If you are so thorough, then you know what sort of safe that is,” I reply before Cassius can speak. The safe might hold our damnation in our family rings, but it also is our only leverage. It can’t be lost. “It is a halcon-7. It has four inches of rolled steel with an analog tumbler lock instead of a digital mechanism, which makes it impervious to electronic incursion. More importantly, it has three Sun Industry military-grade plasma charges embedded on the interior wall faces of the safe. You drill, it will detonate at a temperature of three thousand degrees Fahrenheit. But of course you know that, or you would have already opened it.”

“Indeed,” Dido says. “Personally, I would very much like my daughter’s efforts not to have been spent in vain.” She holds up a finger as I’m about to reply. “And I would be wary if I were you at further insulting my intelligence by claiming your razor is not inside this safe. I bear insults poorly.” Then her lips slide into an enigmatic grin. “But open it for me, and we can be friends again. I am a most generous friend.”

I glance at Seraphina.

“Is that the only reason we’re alive?” I feel foolish for letting her lower my guard. A strain of grandmother’s malice pulses into me, despising her attempts at manipulation.

“Castor, let the adults speak,” Cassius says slowly, his eyes fixed on Dido. “The safe can be opened, for a price.”

“A price?” Seraphina laughs in appreciation of his boldness.

“We are merchants, after all,” Cassius replies.

“What is your price?” Dido asks.

“For the key to your war, I offer a bargain. Give us our ship. Give us our pilot, and any surviving crewmembers of the Vindabona. Give us our freedom. And once we reach safe distance from Io, we will send you the combination.”

Dido wags a finger at him. “Are you trying to make a fool of me? Castor left out a feature of the halcon-7. Didn’t he? Clever boy. A secondary detonation code. One that can be given in place of the real code. One you could supply me with when you are cruising toward the Belt.”

“And why would I want to destroy what’s inside?” Cassius asks. “We take no issue with your war. Only your value of our lives.”

“Yes.” She runs a finger over her lips. “Why indeed?”

The silence grows to terrible length.

“On my honor, I’ll send the proper combination,” Cassius lies. He’d rather die than let them have their war.

“Your honor.” Bellerephon laughs at a private joke. “Be thankful we do not peel you like tank shrimp.”

“They are guests,” Diomedes says sternly. “They have eaten our bread, supped at our table. No guest in the history of our house has been violated. Not even Fabii and the Reaper. Not even the Ash Lord after the Burning of Rhea. Do not disrespect your ancestors.”

Bellerephon rolls his eyes at his cousin and turns to his aunt. “Aunt Dido, we don’t have time for this. Vela is already rallying legions at Karath.” If Vela escaped, then Cassius is right again. The coup is not concluded. “The Codovan will be coming too. Our allies are nervous. Some won’t stand by us if Vela attacks. We need the evidence.”