Page 60 of Nate

“We have to save her.” Sabrina straightened her spine. “Dmitri has to pay for what he’s done.”

“I agree.” The sureness in her voice reiterated what I already knew—things were coming to a head with Dmitri far more quickly that I’d expected. This newest complication of Sabrina’s mother only increased our organizations’ velocity toward each other.

Peter continued, “My informant verified that the rat has already reported our shipment will be at the river in three days. They’re already preparing to take it by force, but they’ll be bringing even more firepower than last time.”

“Get with Sam. Make sure we have enough ordnance to blow them out of the water.” I stroked Sabrina’s hair, hoping that she could feel every bit of love I had for her through my touch.

“Already done. We’re going to concentrate our men on the waterfront but leave enough on the air strip to defend it if shit goes south.”

“Good. What else did you find out about the rat?”

“That’s basically it. News about the river shipment traveled quickly from the rat to the Russians. The informant did mention that it’s somebody close. But I’ve vetted everyone.” Frustration leached into his voice. “Everyone. George, Tony, all the guys on the house security team, the guys on the gate. I’ve even put tails on a few of our men just to make sure. Fuck, I sweep the house for bugs every few days. I keep coming up empty.”

If Peter couldn’t find him, then he was practically stitched into the fabric of my syndicate. Invisible, like a fucking bedbug that couldn’t wait to feast on my blood. “This guy is a ghost. But I know how to flush him out. We take the fight to Dmitri. I want you and David and Angus to pull every piece of information that we have on Dmitri’s stronghold. Every way in, every way out, how many men on the ground level, how many on the penthouse level, what sort of firepower—everything.”

Sabrina looked up at me, hope and fear dancing in her eyes. “That’s dangerous.”

“It needs to be done.” I kissed her forehead. “If I can save your mother, I will. And there is no doubt that I will gut Dmitri. His reign is about to come to a bloody end.”

Peter coughed into his hand. “Are we really going to do this?”

I ran my hand under Sabrina’s shirt and pressed my palm against her waist. She’d lost so much. If I could kill Dmitri and save her mother, maybe I could give one little piece of her shattered childhood back to her. It would be worth it.

“Yes.” Maybe I was just some street-fighting kid from the shit streets of Philly, but now I was the boss. And it was time that I embraced my role with open arms. No more fucking bellyaching, no more excuses. I existed for Sabrina and for the people who depended on me. And I wouldn’t let them down. “Once we’re done with the shipment, I want to hit them in the fucking mouth the very next night. While they’re licking their wounds and scratching their balls, I want a team to torch the warehouse on the water and another team to go with me and cut off the head of the snake.”

“About fucking time.” David leaned against the door frame.

I shot a glance at him. “Where’d you come from? Is this the Avengers Assemble time or something?”

David crossed his beefy arms over his chest. “Yeah. If someone’s talking about killing, my Bat signal goes off.”

“Psycho. It’s settled then. Protect our shipment, then destroy the Russians and take the spoils.” I tipped Sabrina’s chin up. “As long as my queen agrees, of course.”

She glanced around the room, then met my eyes. “Kill them all.”

Holy shit. My blood chilled, and my cock roared to life. How was that for a fucking answer?

“I’ll drink to that.” Peter went to the small bar next to the window and poured drinks for all of us.

Peter, David, and Angus stood around my desk and we all toasted the plan and to the queen of vengeance who sat sweetly in my lap.

Chapter Twenty-One


The next few days were full of preparation for the upcoming shipment along with quieter maneuverings concerning the eventual raid of Dimitri’s safe house. Nate was in and out of the house at all hours, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t convince him to take me with him on his trips. He guaranteed me that the types of men he was meeting with weren’t the sort that I would want to rub elbows with. I let him get away with it, because I had a much bigger ask on my mind.

“What are in the boxes that got delivered to the house earlier?” He walked up behind me and kissed my cheek before sitting down to breakfast.