“I’m not getting a cat, you dumbass.”

“Just think about it.”

“Leave him the fuck alone,” Dane says from his nearby locker. “People don’t have to be happy all the time. It’s not a bad thing to feel pissed off or bummed out sometimes.”

“Are you moonlighting as a mental health professional?” Pax asks.

Dane glares at him. “Nope. I’m just your average hockey player who wants you to shut the fuck up.”

I walk toward the showers, eager to drown out the conversation. After washing up, I dry off, put on clean clothes and get the hell out of the locker room before anyone else can talk to me.

It’ll probably be another evening of sitting alone in my living room with some carryout, trying to watch something on TV, while really staring at Gia’s number on my phone and thinking about calling her.

If she doesn’t answer, though, I don’t know what I’ll do. Probably assume the worst and fall even further into a dark mood. My team needs me to keep my head above water now that we’re playing decently again.

When I turn on my car, there’s an annoying DJ’s voice on the radio.

“Hey country music fans, have I got a FAB-U-LOUS opportunity for you!”

Scowling, I push a button to switch to a sports talk radio channel. They’re discussing salary caps, and I’m almost interested by the time I turn onto my street.

As I pull up to my house, my headlights illuminate someone sitting on my front steps. My heart pounds hopefully as I step on the gas and swing into my driveway, exhaling hard when I see that it’s Gia.

She’s okay. I have another chance to talk her out of this crazy plan she has.

Hopefully. A spark of worry forms as I wonder if she already did it, and somehow managed to get away. I’m almost afraid to ask as I put the car in park and step out.

“Hey,” she says, standing up.

Her expression is forlorn, and I fear the worst. She killed Will Roan and is now remorseful and on the run from the law. Fuck.

“Hey,” I say, approaching her and walking up the stairs. “You okay?”

She nods. “Can we go in and talk?”

I look from side to side and ask, “Is anyone looking for you?”

“No. I didn’t go through with it.”

My whole body sags with relief and I pull her into my arms.

“Oh, Gia. Thank God. I’ve been so worried about you.”

She holds on to me and presses her cheek to my chest. “I was wrong, Maverick. I’m sorry for all the shitty things I said and the way I left without saying goodbye.”

“And for not calling or texting this whole time,” I add.

“For that, too.”

I key in the code to open my front door and push the door open. As soon as we’re both inside, I close the door behind us and meet her gaze.

“I’ve never been so worried in my life,” I tell her. “Don’t do that again.”

“I’m sorry.”

“What happened?”

She takes a deep breath. “Can we sit down?”

“Yeah, sure.”

I lead the way to my living room and I sit down on the couch, pulling her down next to me.

“I got all the way to Philly,” she says softly, looking down. “And I was close…I mean, I knew where he was and I was planning to go through with my plan, but then…then I saw a couple and they both loved M&M’s.”

“You lost me.”

She looks up, her eyes shining when they meet mine. “I know it sounds cliché, but I decided to choose love over hate. I want to know what it feels like to want something good for myself. There are so many places to see and things to do, and I want to think about more than just poker and revenge.”

I take her hand. “You deserve more than that.”

“And if you still want to be with me…well, I want that, too.”

The question swirls with uncertainty in her expression. She’s not sure I still want her?

“Of course I want you, Gia. I want everything with you.”

“You do?” A smile spreads across her face.

“I love you. The past week has been…excruciating. I was so worried about you, I couldn’t think about anything else. We’re good together, you know? Like really, really good. In a way I’ve never had before.”

She nods. “We are. And I love you, too.”

I brush the hair away from her face and spend a few seconds just looking at her. It’s only been a week, but I’ve missed her so damn badly. I don’t want to be without her hazel eyes framed by thick, dark lashes again. I want to see her cute little nose and bright, infectious smile every day for the rest of my life.

“I haven’t been in a relationship in a really long time,” I say, even though she already knows that. “I’ll need you to communicate with me and tell me what you need. I’ve never cheated on anyone and I never will. I promise you that. You’re the only woman I want. I need the same promise from you, though.”