“For your information, I’ve only had one glass. You’re just a goody-two-shoes. That’s supposed to sound like the intimate music from porn.” She just shrugs it off, not trying to explain further, and I’m thankful.

“If there are animals involved, you’re watching the wrong stuff,” I quip, making us both bust out laughing.

“What if Eugene isn’t single?” I ask, panicking. “He tends to only call me at night. Could that mean he’s married or shares a house with a girlfriend? Like maybe she works nights or something, so he’s free to call me?” I didn’t even want to say it out loud. But he just seems so perfect, it feels like something has to be wrong.

“There’s only one way to know for sure.”

“How?” I ask, still in panic mode. I know that I’m going to swear off dating if this thing goes south.

“You invite yourself to his place and ask if you should bring a toothbrush.”




Lying in bed, I find myself wondering how Lee hasn’t recognized me. I used to be one of the most recognizable men in the country, although I stopped dying the gray in my dark hair. I haven’t done any movies in a while, but it's kind of nice to be seen for Travis, not the burnt-out movie star. Well, I’m not even actually being seen as Travis either.

At that thought I’m swamped with guilt.

I need to tell her the truth and just take whatever reaction she has. She could hate me and never talk to me again. I guess that would be warranted for hiding the truth from her. I’ve had four times to come clean, and each time I stop myself, wanting to keep talking to her. I want to see her again, and if I admit I’m not Eugene, that might not happen. It’s selfish to think of my own wants over hers, but I'd never met someone I felt so drawn to. What I need is more time. I need time to figure out what this thing is between us and if it’s as powerful as I think it is, I need time to make her fall in love with me.

My phone starts to ring, interrupting my thoughts, when her name flashes across the screen.

“Hey, beautiful,” I answer, guilt still gnawing at me.

“What are you wearing?” Lee asks breathily but laughs it off. I laugh with her as she keeps our running joke going.

“I’m naked. I decided tonight I’d just be in my birthday suit since my clown suit is at the cleaners.” I play along with a big smile on my face. Our conversations are easy banter, nothing forced and fake. She thinks I’m kidding, but I really am in my bed stark naked. It’s usually how I sleep anyway.

“Damn, I was hoping I could talk you into letting me stroke your nose,” she teases. Stroke? The word stroke just came out of her pretty mouth, and it instantly makes my cock grow hard, tenting my sheets.

“I’m pretty certain that you could talk me into letting you stroke anything I have, Lee.” I put an emphasis on the word anything. I’m not going to hide how bad I want her. The thought of Lee in my bed, her hand stroking my cock makes my chest tight, as my breathing quickens. I can’t believe how bad I want her.

“Oh…uh…that’s nice to hear.” She goes quiet for a second.


“Am I being too honest with you, Lee? I don’t want to hide how much I want you.”

“I…no, it’s just…”

“Just want, sweetheart?”

“I have a question that I really need to ask you, but I don’t want to piss you off,” she mumbles.

Immediately the fear hits me that she knows I’m not Eugene. Did she finally realize that I look like a once popular movie star? Is she going to ask who I really am? Guilt bubbles out and I open my mouth. My intention is to confess, but instead I find myself delaying the inevitable. “What is it you want to ask me, Lee?”

“Are you married?” she asks, completely quiet, maybe holding her breath.

She either thinks she’s going to offend me or that I’m going to drop this bomb in her lap and admit I’m married. Of all the things I could have imagined, her thinking I’m married was not one of them. What kind of assholes is she used to dealing with? Was some idiot stupid enough to cheat on her? I know that can mark a woman. I’ve seen what it did to my own mother. It’s disgusting and something I swore I would never do to a woman. I watched how it killed my mother and destroyed her self-confidence. I never wanted to be responsible for doing that to someone.

“You’re worried about that? I’ve never even been close to taking that step before, Lee” I respond truthfully. I hear her let out a sigh of relief. Her instincts are telling her something is wrong, but that’s not it, and I feel like an asshole all over again. Right now, I should confess everything, but I can’t make myself take that step.