“I can’t. I have a date. I’ll take some for lunch tomorrow, though,” Lee says flatly, and I freeze.

“What?” I ask, making sure I heard her correctly. I fumble the pasta but catch it before it clatters to the floor. Turning to look at her, I’m waiting for her to tell me it’s a joke or that she’s teasing me, but she doesn’t.

She has a date?

“Seeking Curves matched me up with someone new, and tonight is our first date.”

“You’re going on another date from that damn dating service?” I ask, still trying to wrap my head around her announcement.

Why would she still be using her application if we have been talking?

“Yeah,” she murmurs, nervously.

“No way,” I deny, shaking my head. “There’s no fucking way this is happening.”

“What’s wrong with you?” she asks, a scowl on her face.

“I forbid it. You’re not going to go on a date with someone else.”

I should be trying to tap down my anger, but I can’t. She wants me and I know she knows I want her. What the fuck does she think we’ve been doing here? Does she think she can just push that aside and continue looking for another man to put in her bed?

Hell no.

“The last I checked, I’m a grown woman who can decide who she dates. Besides, this new guy seems perfectly nice and checks all the boxes.”

“What boxes?” I ask, leaning my hands on the counter and staring at her intensely. She wrings her hands nervously.

“He’s single, looking for a relationship…...” She lets the words drop away instead of finishing her sentence.

“And? Go ahead, Lee. Finish what you were about to say.” I actually don’t want to hear it. I won't like it—I already know that. Still, I need to know what it is she thinks I’m missing.

“He has stability,” she says quietly, staring at me, her face somber.


That’s what she’s going for? Just because I was in that seedy motel, and she assumed I would stay jobless, doesn’t mean I have no stability. Yeah, it looks terrible, just coming back from Texas. My fault for not telling, but her fault for assuming. I’m getting fucking angry, and I can’t seem to control it.

“What does that even mean? If you are looking to date someone, then date me. I’m right here, standing right in front of you.” It comes out through my gritted teeth.

“You’re making this difficult, Eugene.”

Is she surprised? I would be a fool to make it easy. Who in their right mind would let this gorgeous and intelligent woman just walk away?

“Stop calling me that. The name is Travis.” I roll my eyes at the name. I can’t take hearing it or being called it anymore.

“Your application said Eugene.”

“Well, now it's Travis.”

“So, your name is actually Eugene Travis Trapper?” she asks, raising her eyebrows, her nose wrinkling up in distaste. She’s no doubt cataloging all my bullshit now. It’s not the time to come clean, she’s mad that I’m demanding things from her, and I’m angry at just the thought of her going out with another man.

“Quit changing the subject. If you want to go out, you can just go out with me because you sure as hell can't deny the attraction between us or the absolute mind-blowing heat when we kiss. I can see it in your eyes every time you look at me, and I damn well feel the same for you!”

“It won’t work.” She shakes her head.

“I think it will. You’re going to have to explain this shit to me, Lee.”

“If you want the truth, I made a promise never to date someone who didn’t have a job or his own place, and you are in both those categories.”

“Fine. I got a job today, so you can cross that off your list, and if you don’t like me living here in your home, I’ll go rent a house somewhere right now. See? Easy, problem solved. Now you can sit down and have spaghetti!” I growl.

She looks at me for a moment like she can’t believe it, but also, her attitude is fiery, just barely contained as she balls her fists.

“You aren’t listening to me. I can’t. I’m going out with someone else tonight,” she says, over pronouncing everything like it might help me understand. I understand fully. She’s the one that doesn’t.

I won’t let her go out with someone else.

“I told you I forbid it.” But she’s already walking away. “Where are you going, Lee? We’re not done here!”

“I’m going to Hound House. I’ll have dinner with a new man far away from Eugene Travis Trapper; who has no job, no home, lied about being a computer guy, and got caught making out with some woman on the street!” she yells, making sure to slam the door on her way out.

A smile comes to my face, even though I’m pissed off. What does she mean making out with a woman on the street? Shit! I was with my agent the day she started to act differently towards me. She thinks we are married or something? If Lee believes she can get rid of me that quickly, she needs to rethink her plan. I turn off the stove and cover the food before heading to my room to get ready.