“Look, I’m sorry I left. I didn’t see what you were doing, and I should’ve asked. I got lost in it all and needed a break. Surely you understand that. I mean, I know it doesn’t make it right, but I’ll do better. I’ve got my head on straight now and I know what I want to achieve.”

“Fine. I’ll do what I can and put your name out there for available scripts. But just know, Travis, you go ghost again and our contract is through.”

“Understood,” I answer with a nod, smiling and finally feeling heard. This huge ball of tension inside of me finally recedes. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and now I know that I want to make this journey with Lee by my side.

I just have to figure out how to do that, without her telling me to drop dead and leave me forever.

We get our food and discuss the type of scripts I’d like to work with. She suggests different P.R. teams and agencies that would be good to help me get my company out there. She has her hands full of things that will need to be done to build up a talented production team on such short notice. I have no doubt if anyone can pull it off, it’s Claire. I’ve always known that.

Walking her outside, I think she finally gets where I’m at with it all.

“I’m so glad we met today, Claire. You’ll see, things will be different. I’ll be extremely hands-on. I will answer every email, text and call to make sure you know I won’t leave you high and dry again,” I promise, pulling her into a hug. Working with her over the years means we are close. We have a brother and sister type of relationship—although it differs on which is the bratty younger sibling from time to time. In hindsight, I guess it was me this last time. Now that I’m in the right frame of mind, I’m sure she took me just disappearing on a personal level, and I hate that.

“It’s good to have you back, Travis. We’ll talk soon,” she says pulling back, giving me her first sincere smile in what seems like forever. I’ve been an idiot. Hell, I still am. I need to confess everything to Lee and put us on solid ground. I have Claire back, now I need to make sure I have Lee with me.



Leaving Tap-Shelf the other night, I decided I wanted to go with option two. If this chemistry is so strong between Eugene and me, it’s worth exploring, and damn, do I want him to explore me. I want to see if it’s as good as it feels like it could be. Since he came into Wallflowers, I’ve had dreams nightly about being with him. Sometimes sensual and others just downright provocative, only adding to the heat between us. I feel like, at this point, it’s simmering between us and making it just a matter of time before we act on it.

Helping him find a job he likes can’t be too difficult, can it? That leaves me with just plain out asking him why he lied on his application. I don’t like that he lied. I don’t want a relationship where there are trust and honesty issues. That means I need to have a frank discussion with him before we go any further—and I really want to go further.

I’m praying it all boils down to pride. It would have to be hard to admit to potential dates that you’re jobless and struggling. I’ve gone over it in my head, however, and the truth is, he’s had to work at some point and put money back. If not, how could he have afforded Seeking Curves? That place is not cheap.

That coupled with the chemistry the two of us share gives me courage. This feels real and worth pursuing. We just need complete honesty from this point forward. That seems simple enough. Tonight, is the night that I’m going to approach him. Which explains why I’m all the way across town. Tawny’s Lingerie is a pricy boutique that caters to women of all sizes, and they have some fabulous stuff in their shop. I’ve always come here with Denise but never had a reason to buy anything for myself.

Until now.

I want Eugene and tonight, if all goes according to plan, we will share a bed. I want to look my absolute best. I grin down at the black bag with Tawny’s name in bold coral across the front. It cost me so much more than I should be spending, but I want to look my best for Eugene. As if a sign from the universe, as I’m looking at the street, waiting for the crosswalk sign I see Eugene coming out of a building. I smile, filled with happiness. I lift my hand to wave to him when I see a gorgeous, leggy brunette walk out of the restaurant behind him. It feels like someone physically pushes me back as I stumble back onto the sidewalk, my heart dropping to my stomach.