“What is that?” I ask, not keeping up with her train of thought. She must’ve missed the part where I said he’s homeless, jobless, and purposely lied on the Seeking Curves application. My mind feels scrambled, and I need to hear the second option.

“He has to be good in bed.” She delivers that with a knowing smile. “I mean, even if he’s not long term, who’s to say he can’t scratch that itch you have and make it worth your while?”

I instantly think of the morning Eugene was sitting in the bed shirtless after I woke him up. I don’t know much about sex—next to nothing, really. Eugene definitely seems like he could make everything better.

Maybe Denise has a good point?



I feel guilty, but I forced my agent to meet me early. Things need to change. This time I had the sense to forbid her to pick Wallflowers. So, we’re across town meeting at one of those trendy pop-up restaurants that I can’t stand. This one is called Hound House, a hole in the wall restaurant that only takes reservations, I’m happy she’s taking my urgency serious. After ringing the doorbell, the waitress takes us to a secluded table. She must think we are on a date. She’s most definitely not my type.

“How’s your grandmother?” I ask, not wanting to sidestep that conversation. I may be a complete ass at times, but I do know what’s important in life. It’s part of the reason I walked away from everything a year ago.

“She’s doing okay now,” she says curtly. She doesn’t elaborate or give anything else for pleasantries, so I move the conversation along. I can see that she’s annoyed with me, and she has the right to be, but I need her to hear me out this time.

Before when I would bring any of this up, she would tell me I need to make a name for myself before people would take my career move seriously. It would lead to one movie after another, pushing my dream farther off, while helping line both of our pockets.

“I want to talk about my career, obviously, but not in the way you want. It’s time for me to stop sitting around. I want to pursue the path I know I’m meant to be on.”

“Oh, you mean the career you tanked?” she asks, clearly upset with how I handled things. I can’t blame her. My career essentially keeps her in a job, and I just dipped out without a trace, without even a fuck you on my way out. Still, she gets paid good even with me being on a break—just not quite as good.

“I want to come back to work, but this time it needs to be on my terms,” I announce, leaning forward on my arms, as I take in her reaction.

“What are your terms, Travis?” Claire asks, flatly.

“I’m going to start my own production company. I’m going to try directing for real this time. I won’t star in any movies—at least not right now. It’s just not what I want. I want to be behind the camera. I really want to make the movies I want to see on the screen. It’s my passion, and I’ve worked on my skills while I was away for that sole purpose.”

“I think that’s a mistake,” she says, shaking her head. Her lips are pursed while she looks at me like I’m crazy.

“I don’t care. Your job needs to shift from finding me movies to act in, to finding me scripts to produce and direct. As my agent, you’re supposed to help me. So, either you’re with me or I need a new agent.”

“That’s quite harsh don’t you think? I’m the one that picked you up when you were a nobody. I gave you a chance and made you a star. While you think I haven’t had your long-term goals in mind, I have. No one wants to work with a new director that’s never been on that side of the business.”

“You just admitted you think this is a mistake,” I say, pointing it out. I’m growing frustrated with this conversation as much as she is.

“I just happen to think you being in front of the camera is your bread and butter—”

“Jesus, Claire,” I growl.

“I’m not saying I don’t think having your name backing your business, isn’t a good move. It is. It will give you access to doors that weren’t opened before. Starting your own production company is smart and a lot of stars in your shoes are doing the same. I might have explained that earlier if you didn’t just hand me an ultimatum and then ghost me for a year, Travis.”

She quirks her eyebrow at me, daring me to push my issue. My resolve wavers as I begin to see her side. I can admit that Claire knows more about the business than I do, even after my time in the spotlight. I owe her everything for helping me become the Hollywood sweetheart, gaining attention and fame.