“I’m packing my toothbrush.”

I can't help but smile.



“Eugene, wake up.” I can hear Lee’s voice, but I roll over in the soft comforter, sleep pulling me back into its dark depths. Maybe I’m dreaming of her again. Since I met her, she occupies my thoughts during the day and my dreams at night.

I hear what sounds like curtains sliding back rapidly. I look around, and suddenly bright morning sunlight cascades into the room and I immediately close my eyes again.

“Time to wake up,” she says, again, this time louder. I feel her lightly touch my shoulder.

I want her to touch me again, but I roll over and open my eyes to the bright light, squinting at her. She’s already dressed, looking hot in her tight jeans and a soft blue top. She places a cup of coffee on the nightstand. She stands beside the bed and it’s then I notice her t-shirt has the logo of her store on it.

God she’s hot. Her long hair is swept up and secured in a messy bun that makes my fingers itch to undo it. What would she do if I pulled her down to me? Would she kiss me like she did last night? I’m half tempted, but she looks like she’s ready to head into work.

“Morning,” I mumble before sitting up. Her eyes roam my bare chest for a second before her gaze snaps back to mine. Her cheeks slightly blush as she realizes she was caught. I give her a cocky smile as I run a hand through my hair before grabbing the steaming mug, needing the caffeine.

“I have a friend who’s having computer problems. I let her know about a great I.T. guy that could fix it for her.” She smiles like she’s excited, but I’m utterly lost. She stares at me, gauging my reaction.

“I.T.?” I ask, blinking as I chase away the last remnants of sleep.

“Is that not what you computer guys call yourselves?” she asks, confused. “I could’ve sworn it was I.T., maybe I’m thinking of the wrong term.” She shrugs.

“About that…” I start before she interrupts me by waving it away.

“You don’t need to thank me,” she says shaking her head, small tendrils of hair moving around her face and looking so soft and sweet that I’m momentarily lost in the thought of her on her knees in front of me, begging for my cock, my hand loosening her hair before wrapping it around my hand and pushing her—

“Wait,” I almost squeak out, when it finally hits me what she said. “I don’t?”

“No, I’m happy to help you get on your feet again. It’s not much, but it could help you get your name out there, you know. I’m going to bring home a paper tonight. We’ll go through the want-ads together. Hopefully, that will turn up a solid lead for you.”

Who reads the paper anymore?

“The paper?” I ask, feeling slow on the uptake while she looks at me skeptically, “Why a paper?”

“Because of the want-ads? Are you okay, Eugene” She’s giving me a concerned look, and I know this is my shot to come clean. I open my mouth to do exactly that, but then she glances down at her watch. “Damn it, I’m running late. I need to go if I’m going to survive LA’s traffic. I’ll see you later.” She waves as she walks out. Her voice then rings through the hall. “Help yourself to any food or a shower. I put towels in the bathroom for you.”

Besides family in Texas, I can’t remember the last time someone had been so willing to help me, at least normal me and not famous me. Since I hit the big time, anyone and everyone tries to get my attention. Yet it’s always because they can use me to get what they want. It’s turned me into quite a cynic.

I stay on the bed, stunned, after she leaves. I replay what just happened in my head and then take a few gulps of coffee—hoping the caffeine will help it all to sink in. Lee got me a job fixing a computer, but I know jack shit about computers.

She thought I was thanking her for putting my name out there with her friend, but it was just another moment I had to come clean. And didn’t.

I open my phone and call Claire. It goes straight to her voicemail.

“I need to get my career sorted out like yesterday before I end up being the manager at Computer’s-R-Us,” I growl, clicking off when I finish leaving my message. With Claire being a no show at our last meeting, I doubt she will call me back any time soon. I don’t blame her for blowing me off, but I need to have things settled and fast.

Before I can even set my phone down it starts to buzz with a text. Instead of seeing a response from my agent, it’s from Lee.