The pack wasn’t strong. They were all … weak. From what he heard, they’d been traveling for days, escaping a human hunt.

Most packs would have accepted them into their lives with ease, but not him. He’d not had anything to do with wolves in over thirty years. After being expelled from one pack and hunted by another, he vowed he’d never allow any near him.

Now he had an entire pack on his lands, and ones that were being hunted by humans. Not a good combination.

When it came to Holly, her curves, her smile, he’d stuck to the shadows just watching her. Her pack was drawn to her. Whenever there was a problem, she was the first person they went to. The love they all felt, he sensed it. They would do anything for her, which was why he couldn’t allow her to return to her family and had instead sent word to the pack by Henry.

He stayed in his dining hall, waiting for the necessary confrontation.

His cock was stiff. The need to go and fuck strong, but he waited.

Many believed he was a heartless monster, but in truth, life had made him this way. For Damon, it was easier to live alone in his mansion than to ever risk letting people get close.

He rubbed at his temple, and the memory of Holly smiling at one of the children filled his mind. The young girl had been crying as she ran over to Holly. She’d tripped, falling, and torn her jeans. Holly had used some medical supplies, wiping away the girl’s pain, and then hugged her close, picking her up and dancing.

From tears to laughter, he’d been mesmerized.

The little girl had clung to Holly’s neck like a lifeline, and she hadn’t seemed to mind, carrying her around on her hip for the rest of the day, feeding her, helping others.

What kind of woman was Holly?

The kind who would give herself to make a home for her family and pack.

The door of his home slammed open. Her father had finally arrived.

“Where is she? Holly! Holly!”

Damon got to his feet and walked to the door to see the man himself. He was tall, his long, blond hair bound at the nape of his neck. Amber eyes turned toward him with a growl. “What kind of monster are you?”

“The kind that is giving permission for you and your mutts to stay here.”

“Not out of the kindness of your heart. I want my daughter. We will not stay on your lands. Holly.” The father glared at him. “What have you done with my daughter?”

Damon was ready to fight.

There was no way this man was taking Holly away from him. He’d followed her as she journeyed to his home after he’d invaded their pack and told them to leave. She’d hesitated outside of his home, only to square her shoulders and wait for him to come. He’d run to the kitchens where a change of clothes was waiting for him and his cold dinner.

Did she know he’d been following her?

“I’m right here,” Holly said, appearing at the top of the stairs. She still wore the stained clothing she’d come in. She stood at the top of the stairs, hand on the banister as she slowly made her way down.

It was then he noticed she leaned a little to one side.

Damon sniffed the air and there it was. The young woman was in pain but she refused to let it show. Irritation swamped him. He’d been too busy paying attention to his need for her that he hadn’t even taken the time to see if she was hurt. He assumed she was fine.

“Holly, you do not have to do this. None of us want this. You must return to the pack and we will leave.”

“And go where? You and I both know this is our best chance. We have nowhere else to go, and with the moon coming in a matter of days. You’ve got to… Exhaustion is not a good place to be when we’re due to change. Please, Dad.”

“No! We will risk it. None of us want this for you. We can make it. All we’ve got to do is keep on moving.”

“No,” Holly said. She’d made it down to their level and took her father’s hand, pressing a kiss to each of his hands. “You know this is the right thing to do. The right thing. Children who lost their parents, they don’t need us going rogue on them. They need stability.”

“I cannot ask you to do this for us,” her father said.

“Daddy, no one can tell me or ask me to do anything I don’t want to do. I’ll do anything for the pack.” She glanced behind her to look at him. “And he’s given his word he won’t cast you out. You can make a life here. We all can. Please. Do not make this harder. I want to do this for us.”