“They’re not. I’m doing sweeps every morning and night,” Damon said. “My guy is also on the lookout when he’s in town for any suspicious people. He has an eye for it. He’ll alert me.”

“And you can trust this guy?” her father asked.

“Don’t question my ability to protect your people. I wasn’t the one who sent the hunters your way,” Damon said.

Christopher slumped.

“What if you and I start heading into town?” Holly asked. She held Damon’s hand.

“Why would that make a difference?” Lidia asked. “Wouldn’t it make it more suspicious?”

“It would if Holly and I weren’t mated,” Damon said. His gaze never averted from hers.

“You can use it as a disguise. We’d be able to go undetected,” Holly said. “Allow them to let their guard down.”

“I’m not following,” Lidia said.

“I can pretend to want to join the pack. I’m an alpha, so they’re going to know it’ll be difficult for me to even attempt to submit to another alpha. The very idea is … unthinkable. I wouldn’t do it, but for a mate, there is a chance.”

“We’d have the perfect cover. You’ll be with me. People will feel … secure. I offer them comfort.”

Damon nodded. “I like it.”

“I do not feel comfortable with this,” Christopher said. “We have agreed to an understanding, Damon. I will not act some part. We know how our wolves can be.”

“We’re not doing this for ourselves, Chris. We’re doing this for the pack, for our safety. Believe me, I don’t want those hunters coming close. I don’t just have myself and Henry to think about anymore. I’ve got my mate to protect. If I can come in this house, have dinner, and we can work things out like this, I can see us doing this for a long time.”

Holly smiled as tears filled her eyes.

“Sweetheart, what is wrong?” Lidia asked.

“Nothing. I’m just so happy right now.” She got to her feet and sat on Damon’s lap, kissing his lips. “Thank you.”

“No, thank you.”


“Pack life is boring,” Damon said.

Holly tapped him on the chest. “Don’t be mean.”

“Seriously, you’re living normal lives. You’ve got jobs and all that shit. What is up with that?”

She pressed her body against his. “You’ve got a job.”

“I work for myself. I don’t try to blend in.”

“Damon, we’re not animals. We’re a big family and work still needs to keep on working. Did you know besides caring for the babies of the pack, I also took a part-time job in a supermarket? I had to deal with real people passing through every single day.”


“Yes.” She giggled. “It was fun.”

“But you love looking after kids more?”


“You’re going to have a whole house full of them.”

“You think so?”

“How about this, I only come in your pussy until your pregnant?” he asked.

“I can’t believe you can talk that way so easily.”

He chuckled. “With you, Holly, I seem to be able to do a whole lot of things I didn’t think I was capable of.” He kissed the top of her head.

She sighed. “I wish we were back at your place.”

“You don’t like mingling with your pack?” he asked.

“It’s not that. I just … this is hard. One of them is a traitor and is responsible for nearly wiping us out. I don’t think that kind of stuff is easy to forgive.” She blew out a breath.

He hated hearing her sound so defeated. “Don’t let it get to you.”

She laughed. “How could I not? I’m sorry. I’m trying to focus on the good.”

He tilted her head back with a finger beneath her chin. “I’m here for you, and I won’t let you do anything stupid.”

“Like gut the person the way those hunters did Daniel?” She growled. “See? Look what it is turning me into.”

Damon pulled her in close and kissed her neck. “People are looking at us. You’ve got to be careful what you say. We don’t know how clearly they can hear. You’re turning into a woman who wants to take care of her pack. There is nothing wrong with that.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “You should be happy.”

“I don’t know how this feeling can make anyone happy. I’m so angry.” She cupped his cheek and kissed him. “Thank you for not making me feel … wrong.”

“You’re not wrong. You’re passionate. There is a difference.” He kissed her lips again, taking her hand. “But we’re not going to figure out the truth unless we talk to people. Can you handle that?”

“Yeah, I can handle it.”

They walked to the local café and took a seat. Her father had given them a bit of advice to be out in the open, so people would be more willing to approach them. Damon had decided he’d be the one to ask the questions while Holly would appear to be the doting mate. They ordered coffees and a couple of sandwiches and waited.