“It’s not important what I want.”

“Of course, it is.” She placed her hand on his chest. “I know there is more to you than this cold person you portray.”

“And what makes you think that? Hope?”

“You’re helping,” she said. “If you didn’t care about us, you wouldn’t have put your life at risk today.”

“I wasn’t going to let anything happen to my investment.” He reached down and grabbed her ass. “You’re important.”

She chuckled. “You’re not hiding it well enough. Four days ago, before we left, I’d have believed you. Not today. Not now. You care. Talk to me.”

He shoved her off him and stood.

Holly sat up as he moved toward the door. “What are you so afraid of?”

“I’m not afraid of anything, Holly. You’re a good fuck, nothing more.” He left the bedroom and she sighed. There he went again, hiding. The man was so infuriating.

She refused to let him run and hide. After pushing the blankets off, she grabbed the nearest robe and made her way down the stairs. She went to the kitchen, only to find Henry standing at the stove.

“He’s gone for a run. I don’t know what you’ve done to him, but he needed some fresh air.”

“I didn’t do anything to him.”

“Of course, you did. You got under his skin. It happens. He needs to learn to let people in.”

“You and he are friends?”

“Yes. I’m the only person he allows to get close. No one else knows who he is. What he feels.” Henry looked up from stirring his pot of hot chocolate. “Be patient with him.”

“I am being patient.”

“He’s a giant pain in the ass, but what you’ve got to understand about him is he’s only ever known rejection when it comes to packs. No one has ever taken the time to see the real him or to know him.”

“No one?”

“Every single pack has hurt him in some way.” He shrugged. “After a lifetime of rejection, do you really expect him to accept some random pack with open arms? This is new to him. He doesn’t soften easily.”

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t pry. He has told me some of what he went through,” she said.

“Then consider yourself lucky. The moment we came here, he has never allowed another wolf or pack to get close, and those that come, he moves them out.”

She frowned. “Why did he allow us to stay?”

“Simple. You.”

“But how is that possible? I’m no one.”

Henry poured his hot chocolate into his mug. “Holly, he’s a man who controls his lands. Knows everything about them. Do you really think the day you met him was the first time he’d ever seen you? Damon would have been watching you for weeks. You’re here, so I’m guessing he’d been watching you very closely.”


“That’s for him to tell you, if he even knows.” He raised his cup. “Goodnight.”


Holly was pissed at him again. Not that he could blame her. He’d ignored her all day, only speaking to her father, but trying to get through to him about one of his people having a direct line of contact with the hunters was like talking to a brick wall. He refused to believe it.

Damon sat in his dining room. Henry always refused to sit and eat with him as he felt it wasn’t appropriate. Made no sense to him. They were the closest of friends.

“Where is she?” he asked.

“In the garden. I believe she is attempting some deep breathing exercises so she doesn’t try to kill you.”

“Do you think I’m being unreasonable?”

“No. I have heard the evidence you’ve gotten. It makes complete sense for the hunters to be so prepared. There is no way they could have done a full-scale attack without having someone on the inside. It sucks.”

“Thank you.”

“But you’re trying to tell a pack they were betrayed. I know you don’t understand pack, and to be frank, I’ve never known the people like this one. After observing them, they are one big family. They take care of one another. Their pack is built on the basis of love and respect for one another. Any form or sense of betrayal would hit them all hard. You have to understand that.”

He nodded his head. “I see your point.” He rubbed at his temple. “I need to talk to her.”

“She’s hurting and confused. Try to reason with her.”

“Easier said than done.” He got to his feet, leaving his food behind. Walking through the kitchen, he went to the back door overlooking the garden.

Sure enough, there was Holly, sitting on the ground. Her shoes once again gone. Her long, blonde hair fell around her shoulders.

The full moon was so close, only a matter of days, if not hours away. He stepped onto the ground, and Holly opened her eyes. The sparks of amber flashed in her gaze. Her wolf was so close.


The thought had been happening more and more, and it was starting to drive him insane. He couldn’t deny his need for her though.